
Task force recommends replacing entire Building No. 300

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Angelique Flores

FOUNTAIN VALLEY -- Fountain Valley High School’s task force is

expected to recommend the school board opt to replace the sinking

Building No. 300 with modular buildings.

After almost two months of discussion, the group has decided this plan

is the best way to replace all of the building’s space for about $8.4

million, well within the budgeted $11.4 million.

Structural engineers and state architeacts determined the building,

which sits on liquefaction, must be repaired or rebuilt, said Ed Baker,

the district’s assistant superintendent of facilities. However, the state

will supply funds only to rebuild the building.

The task force reviewed several options on how to replace the

building, using different combinations of modular buildings -- or

permanent relocatable facilities -- and permanent buildings.

Given the time and financial constrictions put on the district by the

state, the modular plan would allow all of the building’s space to be


Other alternatives are installing a combination of modular and on-site

constructed buildings to house all of the programs or a combination of

on-site and off-site constructed buildings with some programs now held in

Building No. 300 being absorbed into existing buildings.

“It’s been a real positive process despite trying to deal with a

difficult situation,” Principal Connie Mayhugh said.The task force

expects to make a formal recommendation to the board at its Jan. 16

