
Mailbag - July 22, 2001

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It’s not a good time for Koll project

The timing for the Koll office expansion at Jamboree Road and

MacArthur Boulevard is all wrong.

The city is in the process of updating the general plan and preparing

a specific area plan for the airport area. Why put the cart before the


Newport Beach Planning Director Patty Temple stated that the Koll

development will result in unmitigated traffic problems. Mayor Gary Adams

said he already waits through two signals on his way home. He said he

thought he had a solution, but he did not share it with the public. I

doubt that $3.5 million will solve the traffic problems in the airport

area -- for instance, how much does a graded intersection cost? -- or

that $60,000 will build a new fire station.

More development in the airport area at the same time the city is

desperately trying to prevent expansion of John Wayne Airport does not

make sense.

For these reasons, the City Council should deny the Koll project

pending completion of the specific area plan for the airport area.


Balboa Island

Some places should ban cell phones

I think the use of cell phones at city meetings, movies and eating

places, and I’m sure many other spots, should be banned. A large sign

should be placed at the entrance noting that: “If a cell phone is used in

this building, you will be asked to leave and not return.

As far as use in cars, the driver should use extreme caution, as we

know it is a distraction. I don’t think we need the government telling us

what to do in our cars.

I read a report dated 1996 from the consumer product safety commission

stating that there were 43,687 injuries during the use and installation

of toilets. Should the government ban all toilets?

If cities banned the use of car phones -- say Costa Mesa said no phone

use in cars and Newport Beach said OK to the use of phones -- how do you

know when you go from Costa Mesa to Newport Beach? The police have better

things to do.


Costa Mesa

Cell phones are annoying, but convenient

I just hate cells phones, but I have one. I have it in my car in case

of an emergency, and that’s the only time I talk on it. In restaurants,

it’s very annoying when you’re trying to have a nice dinner, so that’s

where I think they should be banned.


Newport Beach

Quiet should prevail over Marinapark project

OK, Newport Beach, here we go again and again and again (“Meeting

stirs up opposition to Marinapark plan,” July 11). Just stop your threats

about building at the American Legion post and the trailer park.

Leave well enough alone and let the quiet establishments be forever a

piece of Newport’s integrity.


Newport Heights

Koll project should pass Greenlight

When I voted for the Greenlight initiative last year, I was concerned

with the dramatic increase in traffic congestion in Newport Beach.

Whether I was driving down the peninsula or through Corona del Mar, the

congestion was getting worse every day and no one at City Hall seemed to

care. I felt we needed to send a message that our quality of life along

our coast was diminished and the Greenlight initiative was the messenger.

However, by supporting Greenlight, it was never my intent to stop

development completely or prohibit any new building within our city

limits. The proposed new Koll Center Newport is a perfect example of a

sensible development that meets the objectives of the Greenlight

initiative. Not only is it located in the John Wayne Airport area, but

the developer is also paying the city $2 million for traffic


The Koll project should proceed with the support of the city and

Greenlight backers.


Newport Beach

State shouldn’t be so forgiving at Cove

Regarding the Crystal Cove questions: Why is it that the state of

California has to clean up all of the tenants’ trash? As an owner of

rental apartments, we charge tenants for trash removal upon move-outs.

Why shouldn’t these tenants have to pay to have trash removed?


Costa Mesa

Large boat just doesn’t belong there

On the boat controversy (“Yacht controversy washes out pier policy

discussion,” July 12): Having grown up on the island more than 50 years

ago, I feel the beach is important and boats should not have a priority

over blocking the beach and should be kept elsewhere -- where there are

other large boats. So that’s my vote: to not have it moored at the

island. It blocks the beach and people’s liberties of using the beach and

the water.


Corona del Mar

Not enough written about generous girl

I just was reading the morning paper. There’s a very small, little

article titled, “Youngster to donate quilts for the needy” (July 13). I

thought it would be a nice touch if there ever is more room in the paper

to have a picture of something like that.

I see large spreads about fashion and Zutopia, and of course the fair

takes up a lot of room. One of this little girl’s friends was in the

newspaper -- took up the whole front page -- when she had a book

published. I just think that something like this, when a kid does

something so nice, it’d be nice to have a little picture of her in the

newspaper holding up her quilt. Make a bigger deal out of something

that’s a little more important. Just a thought.


Costa Mesa
