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Bryce Alderton

FAIRGROUNDS -- So all those years of ignoring mom telling you not to

chew bubble gum finally paid off -- in blowing the biggest bubble in the

bubble gum blowing contest at the Kids’ Park stage at the Orange County

Fair Sunday afternoon. The trick for most of these youngsters was

learning from a sibling.

“My sister taught me,” 11-year-old Dillon Matyas said after topping

the 11 to 15 age group division for the largest bubble blown from one

piece of bubble gum. His favorite flavor is watermelon.

The contestants were encouraged by Lucille Ball impersonator Suzanne

LaRusch. At one point, LaRusch accused one kid of having two pieces of

gum and said she would check under the hay bail for a wrapper.

Each participant received a gold participation ribbon while ribbons

were also awarded for first, second and third places.

Breanna Lafferman of Costa Mesa tilted her head back, and out of her

mouth came a pink bubble just a little bit larger than a baseball. Then

it popped, the gum sticking to her nose and right cheek. She tied for

first place at a similar contest at the Costa Mesa Boys and Girls Club,

so she’s had practice, she said.

Breanna said her mom buys her gum all the time, but only the sugarless

kind. Breanna’s favorite flavor is cotton candy because “it’s the

sweetest tasting.”

Eleven-year-old Morgan Porter said the best part about the contest was

the free bubble gum.

Katie Stovall, 12, doesn’t mind that she has braces. She smiled and

said bubble gum is her favorite food.

Prizes were awarded in the following age categories: 5 and younger, 6

to 10, 11 to 15, and 16 and older.

But everyone walked away a winner and smiled knowing they had competed

in something big.
