
Lawsuit continues over Crystal Cove evictions

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Paul Clinton

NEWPORT BEACH -- The Crystal Cove Community Trust has filed an amended

version of its lawsuit against California State Parks after a settlement

conference produced no results.

With the suit, trust members hope to reverse the state’s July 8

eviction of the former residents from the 46 cottages at Crystal Cove

State Park.

By forcing them out, the state made a decision that was “premature,

financially imprudent and will expedite the destruction and demolition of

the historic district through vacancy,” the suit alleges.

Trust leaders, including Bruce Hostetter, have alleged that the former

tenants are best equipped to care for the rustic dwellings.

California State Parks officials have said the residents needed to be

evicted so the district could be closely examined to prepare it for some

future use by the public.

The residents successfully fought the state’s attempt to evict them

for nearly 20 years with a string of court victories.

They dropped the latest suit in a settlement earlier this year in

which they agreed to leave the cove in exchange for an extension on the

original eviction date.

The state agency published an environmental report in the week before

the evictions. The report outlines the state’s plans to preserve and

protect the cottages as they sit vacant. The state is now determining how

to use the district in the future.

The trust’s suit attacks that report as inadequate.

The case has been assigned to Orange County Superior Court Judge

Francisco Firmat. A hearing date has not been set.

-- Paul Clinton covers the environment and John Wayne Airport. He may

be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail ato7

paul.clinton@latimes.comf7 .
