
READERS RESPOND -- What should happen to the Dunes?

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The Thursday editorial on the city purchase of Newport Dunes raises

some good questions (“Let’s not be hasty on the Newport Dunes purchase”).

However, the editorial itself is flawed in respect to mentioning the

Balboa Bay Club as an exclusive private resort.

Technically, this may be true now; however, I believe the Daily Pilot

should be abreast of developments in its own community, and what may be

true now is not what will be in the future.

The Balboa Bay Club, in order to redevelop its aging buildings and

facilities, had to secure a long-term lease from the city in order to

proceed with the redevelopment. The city of Newport Beach required, as a

condition of granting the lease, the Balboa Bay Club to open to the

public. The public will now be entitled to drink, dine and mingle in one

of the most beautiful settings anywhere, once the exclusive domain of the

rich and famous. The new Balboa Bay Club will become the hottest place in

town and will be open to the public.


Newport Beach

This is the opportunity of a lifetime. We now have the chance to

bequeath to our children, grandchildren and all citizens of Newport

Beach, present and future, a park forever. Not just any old park, but a

huge bayfront property, with marina, spacious grounds and parking areas.

We can assume the lease on public tidelands and assure that we will never

have a large hotel and all the negative traffic impact that goes along

with it.

In the tradition of our recently departed benefactor, Frances

Robinson, and her still active husband, Frank, we can continue to

preserve the Back Bay for the benefit of all of our citizens, instead of

for the profit of the few. Carpe Diem: Seize the moment. We must not let

this chance escape us. Let’s do the right thing and take over this lease

as soon as possible. Act now for the good of all of us.


Newport Beach

I would like to have my opinion stated regarding the proposed 275-room

family inn at Newport Dunes. I feel it would be a great detriment to the

area. The added traffic to the already heavily traveled and congested

area would be very bad. The Newport Dunes area, as it is, is wonderful

and someplace we can all be proud of. A great recreational area. Please

don’t let it be ruined.


Newport Beach

I am writing this to support the Greenlight organization’s call to

Stop the Dunes Hotel project. I have lived in Corona del Mar for 15 years

and have seen the community change radically over the years from the loss

of the buffalo farm to the widening of MacArthur Boulevard to the

building of new large homes that ruin the character of the Corona del Mar


Please do not allow this project to continue. We have way too much

congestion and traffic and visitors daily in our city. Preserve our city

for the future.


Corona del Mar

I have been a continuous Newport Beach resident since 1969.

I am writing to inform you of my strong support for the movement to

stop the Dunes hotel.

Please avail yourselves of the opportunity to take over the lease on

the property and cancel any development.

In my opinion, the greatest benefit to our community would be to turn

this area into a beautiful new public park, just as the Stop the Dunes

Hotel committee suggests.


Newport Beach
