
Mailbag - Aug. 16, 2001

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Animal mistreatment charge is a lot of bull

As an organization that prides itself on providing quality family fun

and entertainment in a safe environment, we find it necessary to respond

to Rick Cardin’s letter regarding bull riding at the Orange County Fair

(“Paper putting its conscience to sleep,” July 31). While we understand

Cardin’s concern for the animals at our fair, it is our policy to ensure

the proper handling, treatment and transportation of all animals at the


Unfortunately, many are misinformed when it comes to bull riding. A

rodeo bull bucks because it wants to and in many cases because it is bred

to do so. In fact, rodeo bulls do not buck because of pain, fear or any

other negative stimuli. If a rodeo bull was afraid or in pain, it would

try to flee rather than buck.

In addition, we want Cardin and others to know that the fair fully

abides by the regulations established for the humane treatment of animals

as outlined by the California Department of Food and Agriculture,

American Veterinary Medical Assn., Professional Rodeo Assn. and the

California Department of Fish and Game. Together with our employees,

exhibitors, volunteers and entertainers, it is our goal to educate the

public on how fairs pride themselves on the humane treatment of animals.


General manager and chief executive of the Orange County Fair

Hotel could have solved Dunes’ woes

Editor Tony Dodero’s take on Greenlight supporters is a little off the

mark (“Silva’s in, but are any congressmen out?” Aug. 6). We might remind

Dodero that more than 62% voted in favor of the citywide initiative,

which included those of us who wanted an Evans’ backed resort hotel at

the Dunes. Although Bob and Susan Caustin have fought many good fights,

we believe for this project, they were off base.

The Dunes water park has always been a “dead zone” of viral

contaminates, since the ‘60s. Due to the lack of county oversight and/or

the will of Newport Beach officials, the Dunes may never be cleaned up

now. Had the hotel been built and the RV campers removed, we had a

chance. They may have had to dredge until they got it right.

Greenlight supporters are not “clones” and may not agree “themselves”

on every issue, as Norma Glover would have us believe. The Dunes project

could add value to our community. Susan Caustin is worried about traffic

-- take a look up by the airport and help us there.

We are saddened that Tim Quinn and the Evans family doesn’t have the

heart for at least one project that could surely enhance the value of the

city and help clean up a terrible mess in the process. Right now, the

Dunes needs a net over it.


Newport Beach

Columnist should enjoy Costa Mesa’s diversity

This is regarding Steve Smith’s column on the supposed problems on the

Costa Mesa City Council (“True problems beginning to show at Costa Mesa

City Hall,” Saturday). What Smith is witnessing is diversity! Celebrate


Those who worship at the twin altars of diversity and multiculturalism

just don’t seem to have the tolerance for diverse opinions that they

insist others (who do not think like them) have. What a chilling effect

his column gives to this reader. Smith, we are here, and we are not going

to leave.


Costa Mesa

Council seems to bat for the wrong team

Will someone please explain to three members of the Costa Mesa City

Council -- Mayor Libby Cowan, Linda Dixon and Karen Robinson -- that they

represent the citizens of Costa Mesa, not those of Irvine?

At an excellent presentation of the John Wayne-El Toro airport issue

two weeks ago in Costa Mesa, these three councilwomen chose to absent

themselves and thereby snub the presenters and the residents of Costa

Mesa attending (“Group rallies airport support in Costa Mesa,” Aug. 2).

Robinson continues to repeat the old saw that she is opposed to

enlarging the John Wayne Airport but is also opposed to activating the El

Toro airport. Since opponents of the El Toro airport are demanding that

John Wayne’s air passenger load be tripled, it is apparent that she is

being disingenuous in her statement.

These council members, while elected to defend the interests of Costa

Mesa, appear to be parroting the propaganda from Irvine.


Costa Mesa
