
Readers Respond

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Regarding the Garofalo case, why don’t we drop it. After all, the

guy’s done a lot of good for the city. So he’s made a mistake or two,

that’s not unusual. If you look at some of the previous Councils, and I

won’t name names for fear of being charged with libel, there are numerous

cases in the past in which City Council people have been negligent in

their duties.

I’m not saying two wrongs make a right, but get off the guy’s back.

He’s done a lot of good for the city. Why can’t he make a buck or two?


Huntington Beach

As a public servant, Garofalo should be above reproach. Unfortunately

he has taken his position and used it for his own gain. I think that his

associate who claims it’s going to make people who are grocers or

hardware store operators or doctors think twice, has missed the point.

The point is that Garofalo voted for people who had contributed money

to him for his other businesses. Garofalo should be prosecuted to the

full extend of the law.


Huntington Beach

Yes, I think the investigation should continue. We’ve had enough

sleaze and incompetence in our city going back to the days of Harriet


Garofalo is just the latest example. He and Ed Laird and the rest of

the people who have been taking money to put their personal greed ahead

of the needs and environmental concerns of the city should be made an

example of so it won’t happen in the future.


Huntington Beach

This is my support for Councilman Garofalo. Instead of putting in the

paper all the bad things, they ought to put all the good he’s done and

the lies that have been told about him. This is horrible. This is a witch

hunt. He will be vindicated. He’s done a lot of good: bringing business

in, not just houses. We need money in Huntington Beach so we can be like

the other ones.


Huntington Beach

City taxes aren’t providing for what city needs

Yes, I think Huntington Beach residents should be concerned about how

the city taxes them. I’ve lived here since 1975 and it just keeps getting

more expensive all the time, and my income does not go up in comparison.

I think they vote on the Council to do the best for the citizens. We

need to be concerned about it and the city needs to be concerned about it


I’m really disappointed with the actions taken by the council,

especially Garofalo.


Huntington Beach

Yes, I have a concern about the way the city taxes are.

I’ve been here 15 years and have been in Orange County 45 years.

I’ve seen what a mess Huntington Beach has become. It’s really a

shame. It’s really sad, we vote these people in -- slow growth,

everything else.

What happens is, they keep building and building and taxes keep going

up. I am a homeowner. I have children who go to school in this city and I

think the school system is terrible here.

I have two other children that go to school in Placentia, and it is so

much more well maintained and they get so much more than they do here.


Huntington Beach
