
Kids Talk Back

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o7 The Independent visited Eader Elementary School in Huntington

Beach and asked kids, “What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned

in school so far this year?”f7

“The diseases that animals, like rabbits and deer, can give to people.

They can bite you and give you big sores.”

Stephanie Moss, 10

“Our class watched a film about a Japanese girl that had radiation

burns on her face. No doctors could treat her in Japan, so she moved to

the U.S. where she had family. But the Americans thought she was a spy.

It was during World War II. I learned about the hardships these people


Amber Syage, 10

“Some of the people in the World Trade Center could have lived, but

breathed too much smoke and dust, and it stuck in their lungs. I never

really thought you could die from that.” Collin Whitcomb, 10

“We wrote to pen pals in New York and [I] want to know if they will


Kyanna Freeman, 10

“How to stitch. We’re doing a stitchery project, due by May, where we

have to stitch the an outline of the state and the state bird and flower.

Our class wrote letters to a travel agencies located in our states. Texas

is my state. “

Kayleen Choi, 10
