
SOUNDING BOARD -- Heather Lohrman

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Since the whole tragedy, across America, there have been millions of

people who have done what they can to help. From donating blood, helping

in New York, donating needed supplies, giving money to the New York fund,

every person across America has come together and helped out. From senior

citizens to young children, people have shown their American pride by

wearing our nation’s colors and by waving flags of freedom.

But people out there still wish that they could do more. Like me for

instance, I’m only 14 and I can only do so much. I live in Newport Coast,

and I won’t have as much of a major impact like the many people in New

York have done to help out. I can’t donate blood because I’m 14 and do

not weigh over 110 pounds. I can only donate so much money, but it still

wouldn’t be enough to help the families. I don’t have enough needed

supplies to give. So since my actions can’t make a difference, I’m trying

to make my words have an impact on people across America.

We are called the United States of America for many reasons. Since

Tuesday, Sept. 11, we have showed many of those reasons. We are united as

one across the states of America. We came together when thousands have

died and have been injured and united as one to show that nothing can

stop America.

No matter how hard they hit us, how much they bomb us or how many of

us they brutally murder or hurt, they can’t destroy America. We work

together as one to save our nation, our home, from the harm of the

terrorists’ actions. And we have shown that they can’t destroy the people

of America because, together as one, we will survive.

During school on Sept. 11, everyone walked around with such solemn

looks on their faces. During my class, I sat and wrote how I felt about

it. I showed it to five of my closest friends, and they all almost

started to cry because it meant so much to them, as it did to me. I hope

that this poem means a lot to all the people of America:

America United

o7 We’ve always done what we do best

Everywhere and in the friendly skies.

Then one awful, fatal day,

We were taken by surprise

By an unseen and unknown enemy,

Attacking us with hate and anger

And using what made us proud,

By destroying what made us so great.

We watch in shock as the scenes unfold,

As we watch in disbelief

We shake our heads,

f7 And wipe our eyes.

o7 The grief makes us speechless,

And through it all, while it unfolds,

We cannot help but cry --

As Americans we cling together as one,

United we ask “Why?”

Please, wake us from this nightmare,

It all seems so unreal,

We force ourselves to carry on our lives

In a world so surreal.

Lean on each other for support

Lend others a helping hand.

f7 America is our dedication,

o7 United we will stand.

We ask each other “How dare they?”

We cannot understand

We search for answers, searching for a meaning

But there isn’t an answer at hand.

Hate must not replace sorrow

Of this we’re very sure.

America we bow our heads,

United we’ll endure.

The unknown numbers of people are now safe with God,

f7 As angels by his side.

o7 They must want us to carry on

To not withdraw and hide.

And it’s in their memories

That we hold for so long.

America we will always stand tall,

United we will always be strong.


* HEATHER LOHRMAN is a 14-year-old resident of Newport Coast.
