
READERS RESPOND -- Should El Toro become a base again?

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Yes, I think El Toro should be turned back into a Marine Corps Air

Station (“Attacks could drive rethinking of El Toro,” Sept 18). I don’t

think that it ever should have been closed down in the first place. My

first thought when the attacks happened was that I felt much safer when

El Toro was an air base, when Tustin was a Marine base, when Los Alamitos

was still in full force, and we had what seemed to be a lot of available

protection around us.

I feel extremely vulnerable and open to attack right now. I would be

totally in favor of it being a Marine base again. Thank you for asking.


Costa Mesa

I think El Toro should be turned back into a Marine air base. It

would, I think, be good for the country. It would sure stop a big quarrel

between the North and the South.


Balboa Island

I feel that the Marine base should be turned back into a base again to

protect us. I feel this is going to be an ongoing problem and that we

need all of the ground and air support we can get.


Balboa Island

I believe [El Toro] should be returned back to a Marine base.


Costa Mesa

Yes, I think it should be converted back into a Marine base.


Newport Beach

The article caused me to be reminded of two facts. First, it indicated

the depth of commitment our City Council has to fighting for El Toro

airport -- not enough.

Second, turning it back into a military base is a moot issue. That has

been decided by the federal government, and Councilmen John Heffernan and

Dennis O’Neil are not in a position to change that policy.

It does raise the issue of the importance of those runways, however.

In case they ever are needed for a local or national disaster, it makes

sense to keep them there and available for emergency use.


Newport Beach
