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Karen Wight

A collection of cream-colored ponies sounds messy, and a table full of

kitten whiskers sounds downright cruel, but brown paper packages tied up

with string do peak my interest.

If you have a collection of favorite holiday “things,” pull them out

if you haven’t already and put them on display.

The holidays are steeped in tradition and every family has its own

unique twist on what makes their heart sing. I have a friend that loves

the Byers Carolers. She has dozens of Byers vignettes arranged throughout

the house. It just wouldn’t be Christmas without these silent carolers

looking on.

After years of producing carolers, those clever Byers people then

started to make accessories, theme figures and landscapes. So her Byers

collection continues to grow and fills her home with the silent sounds of


Another friend has a collection of Santas: all shapes, all sizes and

all materials. They make quite a statement resting on the shelves in the

family room. What is usually a macho trophy and surf room turns into a

colorful fantasy with the addition of North Pole residents.

Any collection that is dear to you can have a holiday flavor. One

family has a collection of antique silver baby mugs. They display their

collection of tiny cups, most of which are engraved with names and dates,

on a small tree on the dining room table. They tie the mugs to the

branches with thin silver satin ribbons. The effect is charming.

I have a collection of sterling silver tree ornaments. When I was in

high school my mom started giving me one ornament every year engraved

with the date. After a while, I started collecting on my own. I love the

older ones that have developed a patina. I think of them like people,

they just get better with age.

Instead of hanging them on the family tree, I like to mass them

together and give them a special spot in the house. This year they are

hanging from the chandelier over the kitchen table. I get to look at them

all day. They are wonderful reminders of past Christmases, both good and

bad, and make me feel grateful for all of my family’s blessings.

Another one of my quirky collections involves shoes. I admit, I do

have a shoe fetish. When my girls were babies I loved to buy red shoes

for them. Fancy French shoes, red ballet slippers, and sturdy red


I have kept all of their red shoes since they were born. Some of them

are the tiniest little French leather slippers with scalloped edges. Some

are like little red ballet shoes with ribbons at the ankle. There is one

pair of very worn red clogs, or “lucky logs” as we call them. Mary Rose

would wear this pair of lucky logs to Annie’s soccer games. That year we

played Fall AYSO until April. Oy.

I display the shoes on the family room mantle. They add a lot of color

to the room and are definitely a conversation starter. It’s an odd thing

to collect, but that’s the point. A collection is anything that is

special to you and brings back memories.

For me, the shoes the shoes are sweet reminders of when I could still

hold the children in my arms and talk about the magic of Christmas.

* KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Sundays.
