
A snowy day in Costa Mesa

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Lolita Harper

MESA VERDE -- Santa Claus ditched Rudolph and the other reindeer for a

much more advanced method of travel Saturday, when he flew into Balearic

Park on the city’s brand new helicopter to join in Costa Mesa’s holiday


Santa, whose long, white beard was blowing wildly from the wind of the

propeller, greeted about 2,000 people who gathered to welcome him to

Costa Mesa’s winter festival.

Used to the arctic temperatures of the North Pole, the jolly holiday

character was arguably comforted to see patches of snow on the ground,

despite the brilliant sunshine and low 60-degree weather.

But St. Nick wasn’t the only one excited, hundreds of children -- with

parents in tow -- lined up for toboggan rides down two hills of gleaming

white snow. There was also a patch on the ground for snow ball fights.

“I think this is really cool,” said 8-year-old Alyssa Hunter, whose

eyes were still wide with excitement after flying down the hill. “I

haven’t had a wipe out yet.”

For some kids, like Harley Swank, who is just one month shy of turning

3, it was their first time seeing snow. Harley was not very talkative,

but his outfit -- a yellow and blue rain jacket, with matching winter

boots -- made the statement that he was ready to hit the slopes. His mom,

Laura, clutched his toboggan, while adjusting his jacket for maximum

protection from the freezing powder.

“I’m so glad my friend told us about this. I guess everybody else in

town heard about it too,” said Westside resident Swank, pointing to the

long line of sledders ahead of them.

The Marks, a young couple with two toddlers, said they didn’t realize

how much fun the snow day would be until they got there. Each of them was

doing their best to pack and deliver a snowball hit, while ducking

incoming assaults from the others.

“Get Mommy one more time, Charlie. Get her good,” father Kara Marks

said to his 3-year-old son.

Kelly Marks said the event confirmed that the family will plan a trip

to the mountains where the children could play in a real winter


If mounds of snow were too chilling for residents, the function also

offered pictures with Santa, hay rides, arts and crafts, entertainment,

the mobile skate park and all the usually fun-loving rowdiness that

results with high energy children and lots of green grass.

City recreation staff were also thrilled to see the event come to

fruition this year. Stacia Mancini, recreation services division manager,

said it was the first time in 10 years the city has been able to host

such an event because of a lack of funds for such costly outings. The

cost of Saturday’s snow day ranged from $12,000 to $15,000, she said.

This year’s affair was made possible by private funding from Torelli

Realty, which paid for the snow and the hay rides, Mancini said.

But the only bottom lines Parks Commissioner Mark Harris was concerned

about were those sitting on the toboggans.

“All you have to do is look at the kids’ faces after they have come

down that hill and it’s worth every penny,” Harris said.

-- Lolita Harper covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949)

574-4275 or by e-mail at o7 lolita.harper@latimes.comf7 .
