
Mailbag - Jan. 4, 2002

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Editor’s note: Some of the following commentary regarding the pending

resignation of Councilman Dave Garofalo was submitted to us before he


Resigning right thing for councilman to do

Dave Garofalo should resign. The only reason he should do it now is

because he didn’t do it earlier.


Huntington Beach

Dave Garofalo should resign. Actually he should have resigned a long

time ago.


Huntington Beach

Garofalo should publicly resign! He should have done so a long time

ago! His actions have been disgraceful.


Huntington Beach

Dave Garofalo must resign his council seat. He will probably add that

he didn’t really do anything wrong. You can bet on it.


Huntington Beach

The resignation of former Councilman Garofalo is a ploy to enable

planning commissioner and former council candidate Bill Borden an early

shot at one of the four council seats that will be voted on in the next


Borden will be one of the names offered for the vacated chair.

That will allow the Ed Laird and Garofalo one of their pals to remain

on the council. Don’t be taken in by the notion that these “church”

buddies are righteous men.

They are just men with their own agendas.

Let’s get some new faces on the council and vote in some fresh air.

Just look at the great job the remaining council members are doing and

continue the process.


Huntington Beach

Some still believe in Garofalo

Dave Garofalo should absolutely not resign.

Having been a City of Huntington Beach employee for about 15 years and

a resident since 1975, I have learned about the City Council more closely

than the average resident, often through osmosis.

This may be way off the wall to some people, but I think that Garofalo

was just what this city needed. He is a businessman who knows how to get

things done. He is supportive of the “causes” of his constituents and

gives more than just “lip service” when they come to him for help.

In my humble opinion, I think some of the other members of the City

Council were intimidated by him, through no fault of his own, because his

brightness and professionalism exposed their lack of those attributes. I

think by attacking him, those same people have denied the City of

Huntington Beach the benefits of his leadership.

Go, Dave! Go!


Huntington Beach Hang in there Dave. Don’t resign. . . . I think you

are the real article. Run for mayor, Board of Equalization or governor

and I’ll vote for you.


Huntington Beach

Bond money needed to maintain school quality

I am a parent and resident in the Huntington Beach City School

District. The upcoming bond measure for Huntington Beach schools is

significant and should be approved by the voters.

Our property values correlate directly with the quality of our

schools. The district needs the funds to upgrade and modernize our

schools. We need the bond to pass not only to keep our schools in good

repair, but if the quality of our schools continues to excel, then our

property values will go up as well.

The bond should therefore be passed for the benefit of our children

and our economy, today and in the future. This will ensure that

Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach School District continue to

maintain their positions of excellence in Orange County.


Huntington Beach
