
New plan launched for boat parade

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June Casagrande

NEWPORT BEACH -- Organizers of the wildly popular Newport Harbor

Christmas Boat Parade have offered up a new compromise to try to appease

both parade participants and residents who would be cut from the event’s

new, shortened route.

Under the latest plan, the parade would retain its old route, which

includes the West Lido Channel and the tip of the Balboa Peninsula, on

Friday and Saturday.

The parade still would be cut from seven days to five and run

Wednesday through Sunday.

“Hopefully this will work,” said Richard Luehrs, president of the

Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Its Commodores Club sponsors the


Changes are needed because boaters willing to be in a parade that can

go on for 2 1/2 to three hours for seven consecutive nights have been on

the wane in recent years, Luehrs said.

“A priority is hearing the concerns of the boaters who volunteer their

time and put in their own money to participate,” he said. “We need to

make it as easy as possible for them to stay involved.”

With this goal in mind, last year the chamber proposed cutting down

the parade to five days and cutting out a portion of the route along the

West Lido Channel and at the tip of the peninsula.

The response from residents was both quick and furious, mainly those

on Via Lido Soud and Lido Park Drive. Parade Chairman Brett Hemphill

resigned in anger after one resident allegedly threatened to harm his


The chamber’s newest plan is an attempt to make these people happier

while keeping parade participation as high as possible.

Parade organizers outlined the new proposal for next year’s parade in

a letter to about 25 households that had complained about the previously

suggested changes.

Under the latest scenario, the parade will begin on the third

Wednesday in December and end on the following Sunday. On Wednesday,

Thursday and Sunday, the parade route will exclude the Lido Island’s

westernmost channel between the island and the Lido Peninsula and the

entrance to the harbor at the jetty. On Friday and Saturday, the parade

will include those areas as it has in the past.

“I think this is a step in the right direction,” said Roger Duerr, one

of the Lido-area residents who received the letter from the chamber. “I

think the shortening of the number of days is a good idea. I would like

to see the longer route on the first day, though. That’s traditionally

the best day.”

Parade officials will meet with the residents Feb. 13 to discuss the

plan. Though it’s possible they could make some slight revisions, Luehrs

said he hopes the current plan remains solid.

“This seems to be the best way to keep the parade a good, good thing

for everyone,” Luehrs said.

* June Casagrande covers Newport Beach. She may be reached at (949)

574-4232 or by e-mail at o7 june.casagrande@latimes.comf7 .



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