
Through my eyes -- Ron Davis

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Ron Davis

It’s tougher than I thought writing a goodbye column. For better or

worse, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed sharing my opinions with the community

during these past three years. And I resign with a good deal of regret.

Late last December, when Dave Garofalo relinquished his seat on the

Huntington Beach City Council, I knew that I would probably apply for the

appointment. I also knew that regardless of the outcome, my own ethical

values would require that I cease writing this column.

By now you know that yours truly was not selected and that former

Mayor and Councilwoman Grace Winchell was. I congratulate her. The city

will be well served by Grace.

Had I been selected, I couldn’t have continued to write this column

for obvious reasons. And even though I wasn’t selected, I can’t continue

to pen this column for more subtle reasons.

During my tenure with the Independent, not once have my handlers told

me what to write, or refused to publish my column because they disagreed

with my opinion. They’ve even allowed me to challenge their editorial


During the past three years, I’ve taken this columnist stuff very

seriously. I’ve tried not to spit back a bunch of political pablum

calculated at placating certain factions in the community. When I

believed something was wrong, I said so. And, when the contrary was true,

I said that too.

Having been foolish enough to throw my hat into a political ring makes

me a politician in the eyes of many. And, you know how much we trust


And trust is important to me.

Too many people in our community come to a conclusion and search for

“facts” to justify their desired end. I refuse to put either the

Independent or myself in a position where the perceived agenda of the

columnist is more important than the thought contained in the column.

There will more than one of you who will read any future criticisms I

may write about our local officials or government and dismiss them as

sour grapes squeezed from the vine of bitter disappointment.

And, while I do not intend to run for City Council in the fall, there

will be those who disbelieve me and dismiss any column complimentary to

government as political posturing for future office.

In both instances, the facts and reasoning contained in the column

become irrelevant, and the perceived agenda of the columnist, paramount.

I laud all of you who take the time to read a local newspaper. You’re

concerned about community affairs and events.

Far too many people spend hours and hours studying national and

international events they have little control over, and ignore their

local government.

Local government is what directly affects all of our lives. And, as

much as local government affects you, you, by your knowledge and

involvement can change it. For better or worse, what you have at the

local level is either what you want, or what you allow.

Be involved. Write letters to the editor. Meet your City Council

members. And to those of you who have, thanks for reading.

* RON DAVIS is a private attorney who lives in Huntington Beach. He

can be reached by e-mail at o7
