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Huntington Beach resident Diana Schellenberg was honored at an Orange

County Red Cross recognition breakfast for volunteers of the Disaster

Services Unit that recently returned from a three-week mission to help

victims and families of the Sept. 11 attacks. . . Army Pvt. Colin McElroy

graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

Training included instruction in drill, marching, rifle marksmanship, map

reading and basic first aid. McElroy is the son of Pat McElroy of

Huntington Beach and a 2000 graduate of Ocean View High School. . . .

Marine Corps Sgt. Christopher Allen is assigned to the 15th Marine

Expeditionary Unit deployed in Afghanistan. Allen’s unit raised a flag

over Kandahar International Airport, which was sent by the New York

Police Department. The flag bears signatures of rescue workers and

friends and family of the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks and the attack

on the USS Cole. His unit is an expeditionary intervention force designed

to be able to rapidly organize for combat operations in any environment.

Allen is the son-in-law of Judy Pollock of Huntington Beach.

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