
The Moral of the Story -- Cindy Trane Christeson

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“God knows the secret plan of the things he will do for the world.

Using my hand.”

-- Unknown.

Recently I had a morning of errands that took me to five different

cities. While driving, I said a prayer a friend told me about the day


“Every day, I pray to walk with God, talk with God and listen to God,”

she said. ‘It’s amazing how much better I seem to hear him, and how much

more aware I am of people God seems to want me to talk to.”’

I had prayed that morning and wondered if anything unusual would

happen. I’d had friendly conversations with many different people, but

nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

I was leaving Irvine when I spotted a California Pizza Kitchen and

decided to treat myself to a salad to take home for lunch. I placed my

order to go, and headed to the ladies room. As I walked around the

restaurant, I saw a young woman alone at a table. Her meal was in front

of her, but she stared out the window. I didn’t think much about it at

first, but I sensed God saying, “Go talk to her.”

I had a brief internal conversation with God that involved questions,

such as, “Why her?”, “Why me?” and “What do I say?”

When I walked back by, her food was still untouched, and her head was


I walked back and sat in the lobby to wait for my salad. I could still

see her, and her head was still down. I didn’t know if she was sad, or

thinking or praying.

I thought about going over and saying something, but then my order was

ready. As I stood to pay, I glanced over again, and saw that her head

remained unmoved. I was still having an inner mental debate when I

remembered my friend’s words and my earlier prayer. I’m embarrassed to

admit that my feet were already pointed toward the door, but then I

turned and headed to her table. She was looking out the window again.

“OK, God,” I prayed. “I’m going over to her, but I have no idea what

you want me to say. She’s going to think I’m crazy.”

She looked at me as I sat down. “I’m so sorry to interrupt you and I’m

not really strange,” I said. “But I couldn’t leave without coming over

because I felt like God wanted me to tell you that he loves you. Forgive

me for intruding.”

“Thank you for coming,” she said with tears in her eyes. “I saw you

walk in and wondered if you were the one.”

“The one?” I asked.

“Yes, I was just praying for an answer, and you came at just the right

time,” she answered.

I didn’t know what to say or do. “Are you all right? Can I help you?”

I asked.

“I’m fine and you already have. Thank you for saying what you did.”

She started eating and thanked me again.

She seemed ready to be alone, so I left.

I still don’t know exactly what happened that day. But I know that

when God whispers suggestions to me, I’m trying to listen and follow.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at o7

cindy@onthegrow.comf7 or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
