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The Daily Pilot went to Newport Heights Elementary School on Monday to

ask third-graders: ‘What is the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to


‘Go to Wild Rivers every year with summer camp. I like the water rides

especially Congo Rapids.”

Luke Dawson, 8, Costa Mesa

‘I wished to get a baby brother and I got one, Matthew. He’s gonna be

3 [on Saturday].”

Jessica Gaylord, 9, Newport Beach

‘That I get to go to a very educated school and learn lots more than I

should. I’ve been here since kindergarten. Math is my favorite subject

because it’s challenging and I like challenging things.’

Nicholas Dedinsky, 8, Costa Mesa

‘Yesterday I met Sasha Cohen at the Spirit Run. She was signing

everything like my T-shirt and medal. I also met a kayaker from the

Olympics last year and this year met a torch bearer for the Winter


Spencer O’Hara, 9, Newport Beach

‘My brother doesn’t have problems anymore. He doesn’t grind his teeth

anymore, and he was deaf, but now it’s all gone. He’s been able to hear

for three months.’

Hayle Williams, 8, Newport Beach

* Interviews and photos compiled by Bryce Alderton
