
Reel Critics

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Peggy Rogers

From the home front to the battlefront “We Were Soldiers” creates a

human portrait of Col. Moore and his officers in 1965 Vietnam. After a

brief but brutal scene of the enemies’ capabilities years earlier against

France the film settles in to focus on Col. Moore and his family’s

arrival at training headquarters.

Weeks away from combat, Col. Moore begins the task of preparing his

men for battle. A dedicated family man, Moore applies the duties and

responsibilities of fatherhood to his men.Moore prepares for battle

himself by enlisting the aide of top right-hand officers (Sam Elliot,

Greg Kinnear), learning new technology for combat, and learning from the

mistakes of the past.

Once Moore and his men touch down on the battlefield in Vietnam the

action is nonstop and formidable until the last man leaves.

“We Were Soldiers” complements other recent successful war films by

showing a different view. While “Black Hawk Down” focused on poor

military leadership, Moore is portrayed as intelligent and effective.

This is Gibson’s third war film with the continued theme of family at

war, moving the brutality and cost of lives into our own homes. War is

hell and “We Were Soldiers” is one hell of a good war movie.

* PEGGY J. ROGERS, 39, produces commercial videos and documentaries.
