
VISITOR’S VIEW -- John Cassady

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The hospitality industry was struggling throughout 2001. It is common

knowledge now that it took a nose dive immediately after the tragic

events in September. Since that time, hospitality businesses have been

clawing their way back.

Conferences and meetings continue to go on, as do individual business

and leisure travel. All segments are smaller than in the successful

benchmark year of 2000.

Most travelers report that they prefer to stay closer to home.

Therefore, conference and visitor bureaus -- including Newport Beach and

Costa Mesa -- have been directing their marketing efforts to the regional

and drive-market (areas within driving distance) opportunities.

Several distant trade shows and trade missions were prepaid, so the

bureaus followed through with those commitments. However, most of our

business is coming from visitors right here in California.

Conference planners perceive there are fewer hassles with regional

meetings. They probably lose something with this choice.

“Backyard bookings” may seem advantageous, but attendees lose the

opportunity to interface with colleagues from a national or international


The good news is that our destinations in Southern California remain

safe and highly attractive to many visitors and conference planners.

There is a new focus for meeting planners. Their site selection

conditions are safety, competitive overall cost, quality of facilities

and hotels, plus accessibility for attendees.

Newport Beach and Costa Mesa offer all of these. Just like the tourism

consumer, geographical convenience and best values are the primary

factors used for destination selection. We will continue to promote our

wonderful area.

Through the spirit of cooperation with our memberships and fellow

hospitality organizations, we will remain valuable economic contributors

in our communities.

* JOHN CASSADY is executive director of the Newport Beach Conference

and Visitors Bureau.
