
Teacher arrested on sex charge

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Deirdre Newman

CORONA DEL MAR -- A popular math teacher and soccer coach at Corona

del Mar High School was arrested Thursday night on suspicion of having a

sexual relationship with a student, police said.

John Ronald Evans, 32, of Huntington Beach is facing charges of

engaging in sexual contact with a minor, said Sgt. Steve Shulman of the

Newport Beach Police Department.

Shulman said he did not know how long the relationship is believed to

have lasted.

The student’s name has not been released because she was a minor when

the relationship allegedly occurred. The investigation is continuing to

examine whether Evans had relations with any other students, Shulman


Evans, who posted his $50,000 bail, was placed on administrative leave

by the Newport-Mesa Unified School district on Friday pending the outcome

of the investigation, said Lori McCune, an assistant superintendent.

The student is receiving counseling at the school, McCune added.

The revelation of Evans’ arrest sent shock waves through the school.

“He’s a really friendly, nice guy,” said senior Beth Bilkiss, 17, who

took geometry with Evans. “I would never expect it. He wants students to


The investigation began when teachers at the school started expressing

concerns about Evans, McCune said.

Principal Sharon Fry, who said she does not know who the student is,

found out about Evans’ arrest Friday morning and broke the news to her

staff at lunchtime.

“I feel a tremendous sadness,” Fry said. “These kind of things are

painful for a school community.”

Fry said she did not make an announcement to the student body about

the situation Friday, but she will have counselors and school

psychologists available to students when they return next week after

spring break.

Many students described Evans, who has been at the school for four

years, as the ideal teacher -- engaging, laid back and able to establish

a good rapport with students.

“I think he’s a great teacher personally,” said freshman Dana Lujan,

14. “He gives us a lot of time and explains things.”

Junior Lauren Loe, who played on the soccer team for three years, said

she never noticed anything suspect about her coach.

“He’s a good coach,” Lauren said. “He was close with all of us.

Everyone would hang out in his classroom. I never saw him do anything


* Deirdre Newman covers education for the Independent’s sister paper

the Daily Pilot. She may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail ato7

deirdre.newman@latimes.comf7 .
