
Jim de Boom-- Community & Clubs

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BOOK OF GOLDEN DEEDS: The Exchange Club of Newport Harbor honored

longtime Harbor Area Boys & Girls Club staff member Harland Anderson with

its prestigious Book of Golden Deeds Award for his nearly 30 years of

service to the area’s youth. “The Book of Golden Deeds recognizes people

who have made the community we live and work in a better place,” Garrett

TeWinkle said when presenting the award to Anderson.

Fifty members of the Exchange Club heard Rick Taylor, who nominated

Anderson for the award, talk of his own family’s positive experience at

the Boys & Girls Club on Tustin Avenue in Costa Mesa. Alex Cachola, a

30-year friend of Anderson’s, saluted the honoree for the role he played

as his basketball coach 30 years ago at the former Boys Club facility at

Lions Park.

Anderson, a graduate of Chapman University, married Susie, and the two

have made their home in Costa Mesa. They have two children -- Peter, 21,

and Eric, 17, who is a basketball player at Estancia High School with

Cachola’s son.

When accepting the award, Anderson noted that the Boys & Girls Club is

there for the kids, some of whom come for sports, some for social

activities and still others for after-school programs. Congratulations to

Harland Anderson!

DEPUTIES HONORED: Orange County Supervisor Jim Silva joined the

Exchange Club of the Orange Coast as it honored members of the Orange

County Sheriff’s Department at the recent Crime Prevention Program.

Deputy of the Year honors went to David Tilstra, a 22-year veteran of the

department. Harbor Patrol Deputy of the Year honors went to Steve

McCormick, who has worked with the harbor patrol for nearly 11 years.

Correction Officer of the Year honors went to Carol Almaguer, who has

worked with the Women’s Jail since July 2000. Supervisor of the Year

honors were given to Paul Falk, who has more than 31 years of experience.

Dispatcher of the Year was Jeff Williams, who joined the Department in

1984. “What a magnificent array of dedicated and devoted members of the

Sheriff’s Department. We are truly blessed,” said Jack Wilder, luncheon

chairman. Congratulations to one and all!

GOING TO GIRLS STATE: Six young women have been selected by the

American Legion Auxiliary of Newport Harbor Unit 291 to attend Girls

State at Pitzer College in Claremont from June 23 to June 29. Selected

are Hilary Havens, Costa Mesa High School; Lindsay Foreman, Estancia High

School; Mary Bathen, Newport Harbor High School; Mari Parks, Corona del

Mar High School; Adrienne D’Luna, Northwood High School; and Teresa

Ingram, Irvine High School. “The delegates were selected because of their

academic excellence, as well as their involvement in extracurricular and

community activities,” said Cynthia Culp of the American Legion

Auxiliary. The six young women will join 500 young women from throughout

the state for the one-week conference. The young women will be featured

guests at the May business meeting of the local ALA, as well as a

district orientation tea in April.

RALLYING FOR RVS: The Costa Mesa Recreational Vehicle Owners Assn.

will hold a rally and organizing meeting Sunday. The purpose is to

prepare for the Monday City Council meeting on a proposed ordinance to

regulate RV parking. All owners of recreational vehicles are invited to

attend. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. at the Goat Hill Junction

Railroad Park, which is part of Fairview Park on Placentia Avenue. The

entrance to Railroad Park is at the traffic signal at the south entrance

to the Estancia High School parking lot.

WORTH REPEATING: From Thought for the Day from Greg Kelley of the

Newport-Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council: “The greatest use of life is to

spend it for something that will outlast it.” -- William James

SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK: Looking for a way to answer President

Bush’s call to donate 4,000 hours in service to your neighbors and

country as we try to make America a better place to live? Try helping

your community through a service club. You are invited to attend a club

meeting this week to learn more about service clubs. Most clubs will buy

your first meal for you as you get acquainted with them. Here is this

week’s meeting schedule:


6:30 p.m.: The Harbor Mesa Lions Club will meet at Zubies restaurant.


7:30 a.m.: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club will meet

at Five Crowns Restaurant for a program on the American Cancer Society.

6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Club will meet at the

Costa Mesa Country Club.


7:15 a.m.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Club will meet at

the Center Club (, and the Newport Harbor

Kiwanis Club will meet at the University Athletic Club.

Noon: The 35-member Exchange Club of the Orange Coast will meet at the

Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club to hear John Kirk of the FBI.

5:30 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Club of Newport-Balboa will meet at

the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club to hear Olympian Chris Duplanty discuss

the Winter Olympics (


7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Coast Breakfast Lions

Club will meet at Mimi’s Cafe.

Noon: the 50-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club will meet at the Holiday

Inn (, the Newport Beach-Corona del Mar

Kiwanis Club will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, the 80-member

Exchange Club of Newport Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical

Museum for a program by Woodson Wood on the arrival of the Privateer

“Lynx,” and the 100-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Club will meet at the

Irvine Marriott to hear Dowrene Hahn on “Barcelona to Bilbao,”


* COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published every Saturday in the Daily Pilot.

Send your service club’s meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8667,

e-mail to or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol St., Suite 201,

Newport Beach, CA 92660-1740.
