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The Daily Pilot went to TeWinkle Middle School in Costa Mesa to ask

sixth-graders, ‘What was the proudest moment in your life?’

“Last year, we had a promotion to sixth-grade and I got one of the

awards for effort. It made me happy because I didn’t think I was going to

get one, but I did get one.’

VIDYA RAMDATH, 12, Costa Mesa

“When my soccer team won first place in a tournament, because it was

the first time I won first place in anything.”


“When I performed in ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,’

and it was with two Broadway performers. I got acknowledged by a lot of

people, and I was asked to do it.”

KRISTINA CLARK, 12, Costa Mesa

“When I was in baseball, at the end of the year, they selected

all-stars and I was one of the kids to be selected. I felt proud.”

BRADLEY FISHER, 12, Costa Mesa

“When I was in fifth-grade, I won medals for being the best in math,

social studies, science and language arts, because I used to study a lot.

I had to miss out on a lot of things to study.”

JUAN PALACIO, 12, Costa Mesa

-- Interviews and photos compiled by Christine Carillo
