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-- Interviews and photos by Mary Castillo

The Coastline went to the Boys and Girls Club and asked kids, “If you

had all the power in the world, what would you change and why?”

“I would stop littering because it hurts the world and animals.”

Amy Congleton, 10

“I would end the war.”

Michael Mecula, 10

“That the terrorists didn’t destroy the Twin Towers or the Pentagon

because it did a lot of damage to us.”

Karl Warren, 11

“I would end the war in Afghanistan because I think it’s sad. I don’t

like seeing people suffer or die.”

Alexandra Navas, 9

“That they should take drugs, tobacco and sex off the market. I think

drugs can cause a lot of violence and the world should have more peace

right now.”

Solstice Snyder, 11
