
Costa Mesa National Little League: Strikeouts and stellar defense

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propel Marlins to victory

COSTA MESA - Anthony Secrest pitched a complete game shutout for

the Marlins, striking out nine Cardinals in a 2-0 Marlin win.

Secrest allowed five hits and one walk in six innings of work. Secrest

got some help in the field as Marlin left fielders Mitchell Shamrell and

Ryan Maxwell made key catches.

Cardinal Joey Palacios doubled to open the third inning but was

stranded at second base. The Cardinals had another chance in the fourth

on back-to-back singles by Garrick Williams and Ryan Knapp, but Secrest

struck out two in the inning to strand Cardinal runners. Cardinal batters

bunted three times in the fourth and fifth innings, but failed to advance

the runners as Secrest charged and fielded each of the three bunts for

putouts at first.

The Marlins scored their first run in the second inning as Shamrell

singled and moved to second on a passed ball. Michael Gillmore singled

home the run. In the bottom of the second, Chris Falbo singled for the

Cardinals and advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt by Peter Frydendall

and moved to third on a passed ball. But Secrest struck out the next

batter to end the inning.

The Marlins scored their second run in the top of the sixth, as Danny

O’Neil (3 for 3) singled to lead off the inning and eventually scored

after successive singles by Adam Seagondollar and Nick DePietro. Kevin

Kiser also singled for the Marlins.

In other Majors action:

* Dodgers 15, Astros 6 - Dodger batters provided a steady stream of

offense as the Dodgers defeated the Astros, 15-6.

Nick Pedersen had four hits and three RBIs, and Nick Olivers finished

3 for 3.

Bryan Bennett got the Dodgers on the board in the first with a two-run

home run. The Astros came back with four runs in their half of the first

to take the lead.

The Dodgers received contributions from Alex Grosek, Mathew Telles,

Cory Ames, Ian Abernathy and Brandon Grimmett.

Cody Green, Justin Long and Pedersen combined for seven strikeouts for

the Dodgers.

* Diamondbacks 4, Astros 0 - The Diamondbacks improved to 12-3 with a

4-0 defeat of the Astros.

Ryan Redding pitched the first two innings, striking out one while

allowing two hits. Brandon Maurer came on in relief to pitch the next

four innings, striking out nine and allowing two hits.

Redding received help in the field from Riley Hart, who had a double

play in the first inning, tagging out the runner at second and throwing

out the runner at first.

Max Friedmann made a catch in right field, as solid baserunning by

Patrick McGuire, Andrew Ayala, Redding and Hart scored four runs for the

D-backs. Redding, Hart, Harrison and Sean Ulrich each singled, while

Maurer doubled and had two RBIs.

* Diamondbacks 5, Marlins 1 - A late rally catapulted the Diamondbacks

to their 11th victory May 7.

Down 1-0 in the bottom of the fifth, Andrew Ayala got on base starting

the rally. Sean Ulrich then doubled to bring home Ayala. Ryan Redding

walked, followed by Troy McClanahan’s double to plate Redding. Chase

Harrison singled and after a fielder’s choice, scored the D-backs’ fifth


Redding, Gavin Montague and Brandon Maurer combined to strike out

eight Marlin hitters. Strong D-back defense was provided by Hart, Joseph

Dzida and Ayala.

Max Friedmann singled and Maurer doubled in the win. Ulrich and

McClanahan had RBIs.

* Diamondbacks 6, Tigers 1 - Back-to-back home runs and strong

pitching by the Diamondbacks highlighted the team’s 10th victory in a May

4 win over the Tigers, 10-2.

Riley Hart hit a two-run home run, finishing with three RBIs on the

day, followed by Brandon Maurer’s solo four-bagger, his second of the

season. Maurer added a single and double. Sean Ulrich, Andrew Ayala,

Gavin Montague, Joseph Dzida and Ryan Redding (who doubled) all singled

in the D-back victory.

Hart, Redding and Maurer combined to strike out 12 Tigers.

In Farm Division play:

The Rockies and the Pirates squared off in the final regular season

game prior to the tournament, which begins for the Rockies Thursday

against the Reds.

For the Rockies, Alex Mazur had three hits and scored a run. Matthew

Spicer fielded well at second base as he doubled, singled twice and

scored a run. Robert Murtha doubled and singled twice, while Nathan Frank

had two hits, one RBI and one run scored. Pitcher Aaron Wood singled

three times and had one RBI. Maliah Murtha also singled three times for

the Rockies, and produced an unassisted double play while playing third


Eric Rasmussen singled twice and had two runs scored for the Rockies.

Adam Ward tripled in the first inning and later had an RBI single for the

Rockies. Jesse Paz played with an injured right hand for the Rockies, but

still managed to contribute at shortstop while singling and scoring a run

for the Rockies.

Noah Jeyarajah and Hannah Jeyarajah were kept busy in the outfield.
