
Rebuttal -- David Goss

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Regarding the Daily Pilot’s May 12 editorial (“Council should adopt

latest proposal for RVs”) the Costa Mesa RV Owners’ Assn.’s would like to

clarify our position on the latest RV parking ordinance proposal in Costa


Lt. Karl Schuler’s recommendation at the May 6 City Council meeting

was based on the ordinance used in Newport Beach. We supported the

recommendation based on the wording of the pre-meeting agenda report and

on our study of the Newport Beach ordinance, which provides for a 24-hour

exemption from the parking ban and a 72-hour extension permit for

“activity preparatory or incident to travel.”

In past council sessions, RV owners have been nearly unanimous in the

need for up to 72 hours to pack and prepare for some trips. A recent

survey of Good Sam members showed that nearly a third had taken trips of

one month or longer in the preceding year, and trips lasting three to six

months are not uncommon for retirees. We realize that non-RV owners might

be unable to comprehend the amount of work required to prepare for such a

trip. Please believe us when we say that it cannot be done, particularly

by seniors, in a single 24-hour period.

We have spoken at length with the Newport Beach parking control

supervisor who has confirmed that they have no restrictions on the

issuance of the 72-hour permit but that her department is watchful of

situations in which they believe a RV owner is trying to abuse the


In that regard, she acknowledged that it would be helpful to law

enforcement to add language preventing or discouraging abuse without

penalizing legitimate users of the permit. We have no objection to that

but maintain our position that reasonable availability of the extension

is essential.

The last council meeting ended in a spirit of goodwill and cooperation

and with council member Libby Cowan’s advice to “listen, share and


We intend to continue our efforts to work with Schuler and the City

Council to forge a new ordinance that is fair to RV owners and our

neighbors alike.

* DAVID GOSS is the president of the Costa Mesa RV Owners’ Assn.
