
The Crowd -- B.W. Cook

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Newport-Mesa Trojan League women in support of the University of

Southern California traveled north to the Los Angeles campus to celebrate

an annual women’s jaunt back to school.

The benefit day at USC, billed as “Let’s Hear It for the Girls,”

focused on university athletics for women, raising more than $20,000 from

generous Newport-Mesa alumni for the USC Women’s Athletic Department. A

luncheon at USC’s “Town and Gown” featured USC Director of Athletics Mike

Garrett and Associate Athletic Director Lisa Love. Among the local women

in the crowd were Kathy Hamilton, Patt Hitt, Wendy Pitchess, Diane

Schweitzer, Jane Robinson, Bonnie Marshall, Susan McKeever, Mary Godber,

Cinda Hoeven, Virginia Zenz and Beverly Willgeroth.

* * *

Five Crowns in Corona del Mar was the setting for the eighth annual

Star Team Award luncheon honoring members of a special group of hunger

advocates in support of Share Our Selves in Costa Mesa. The nonprofit

service agency assists the working poor in the Newport-Mesa area with

food, medical and dental care, as well as financial aid.

Chairwoman Kathy Thompson of Corona del Mar once again marshaled

considerable support for the annual luncheon, which has become a

tradition on the Orange Coast due in part to the distribution of Imperial

County sweet onions given to each guest. The giving of the onions has

become a symbolic gesture on Thompson’s part -- a virtual spreading of

the bounty that, of course, relates directly to the giving spirit at

Share Our Selves.

More than $25,000 was raised through generous donors, including

Marybelle Cox, Carol Reisner, Henry and Carol Schielein, Reed and Rita

Sprinkel, Alice Blair, Nibs Waters, Mike Russell, Gwen and Glyn Davies,

Carol Fracalosy, Dorothy Gray, and Dick and Marie Loderhose.

* * *

The Fashionables held their annual members’ champagne reception at the

waterfront estate of Leslie and Lawrence Cancellieri last week,

attracting the local “who’s who” crowd. They came in support of the

organization founded in 1971 and dedicated to the service of Chapman


Over the years, many worthwhile charitable endeavors have been aided

through Fashionables support, along with needs related to the university.

In 1980, a men’s patron committee was formed as an adjunct to the women’s

Fashionables group.

Ollie Hill chaired the recent reception with support from Fashionables

President Donna Bunce. More than 100 fashionable couples enjoyed the

Cancellieri hospitality, including a sumptuous buffet catered by Soiree.

Spotted in the crowd enjoying a sunset cocktail at the beach were the

lovely Sally Crockett, Rusty Hood, JoAnne Mix, Pamala Paul, E.G.

Chamberlin, Barbara Bowie, Nancy Burnett, Cathy Lowden, Donna Schultz,

Noddie Weltner and Zee Allred.

* THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays.
