
Weather Tidbits -- Dennis McTighe

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No gloom to speak of since our last meeting. What little stratus there

is, it’s been gone by 9 or 10 a.m., with clear, sunny, warm but not too

warm days and generally clear cool nites.

June 2002 so far has actually seen less gloom than the previous three


When you read this it will be the Summer Solstice.

My gut feeling is summer 2002 is going to be above average weather and

surf wise.

It’s been five years since our last epic summer, those little subtle

signs are there, pointing to a good one.

Just as long as it’s not like the “bummer” of ’91.

There were four days of sun the whole summer. The water temp never

went above 66 degrees. There were exactly two five-foot days during that

period and both days had horrific conditions -- 20 mph onshores and

drizzle until 1 p.m.

Oh well, no need to dwell on the negative.

Summer ’92 more than made up for it’s pathetic predecessor. Senor El

Nino paid us a nice visit, and brought all the ingredients that make us

happy. Seventy-two to 74-degree water. Back to back to back to back Baja

swells and a host of powerful So. Hemi. swells.

We’re still learning about the El Nino phenomena, but this much we do

know for certain: every El Nino has caused an above average to epic

summer, minimal gloom, warm water, lots of surf and numerous glassy days

and tropical balmy nights.

Senor El Nino, you are most welcome any time, but tell miss La Nina

never to set foot on our soils again!

Sunrise today: 5:41 a.m.

Sunset tonite: 8:05 p.m.

“No more pencils

No more books

No more teacher’s dirty looks”

-- Alice Cooper, June 1972

* Dennis McTighe is a Laguna Beach resident.
