
Aiming for relevance

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Ahmad Miller, a former University of Nevada, Las Vegas defensive end,

had to wait awhile until he knew what National Football League team

drafted him in April. In fact, he had to wait until the end.

But it paid off this week, as Newport Beach residents treated the

6-foot-3 1/2, 315-pounder to a weeklong party known as Irrelevant Week.

The guest of honor, dubbed Mr. Irrelevant, enjoyed sailing off the coast,

visiting Disneyland, receiving gifts and trekking from party to party.

On Thursday, Miller sneaked in a few minutes to chat with City Editor

James Meier at the Balboa Yacht Club about all the extra attention he

received and his future on the newest NFL team, the Houston Texans.

Q: How have the natives been treating you?

A: They’ve been great, man, real great. I can’t complain. They’ve been

wonderful. It’s a nice community, nice people.

Q: Is it everything you expected?

A: It’s more. I didn’t think it was going to be like this. Everybody’s

been real nice. So, it’s been wonderful, just wonderful.

Q: You were drafted 261st overall. At some point toward the end, did

you start crossing your fingers that you’d be picked last so you could be

Mr. Irrelevant?

A: No, I never thought about it. I was just wondering if I was going

to get picked that day or was I going to be a free agent. So, no, I

didn’t cross my fingers or anything like that.

Q: Did you know about the Mr. Irrelevant honors?

A: Yes, yes, I did.

Q: Is it exciting or scary to go play for an unknown team like the


A: I guess it’s exciting. You know, a new franchise. So you basically

are going to contribute to whether the team’s going to be good or not. If

you do good, you’ll go down in history. If it does bad, which everybody

expects, it’s an expansion team. So if you prove them wrong, you go in

the record books. It’s exciting.

Q: You’ll probably have to have patience early on.

A: I don’t know if I’ll have to have patience. I’m just trying to make

the team. Wherever I’m going to be, I’m going to go in with the same

attitude I have now and just work hard.

Q: What was it like to play for Coach John Robinson at UNLV?

A: It was good. He prepared us well, like the way we practiced, the

way we traveled, the way we carried ourselves. You know, the


He basically prepared us for the [National Football] League. Work hard

at practice and everything. It was fun because he helped. The guys

playing for him now, if they make it to the next level, they’re going to

see they’re pretty much prepared for it.

Q: Did you feel like you were a Ram, if you will, since he used to

coach the Rams here?

A: No, I wouldn’t say that. Nah. Just a Rebel. But I guess it would’ve

been nice to be one of those Rams, you know. Just a Rebel.

Q: It’s probably better being a Ram these days than it was then,


A: They had their times. They had their good times and bad times.

Q: So what’s been your favorite moment so far this week?

A: The boat ride. I got to drive a boat for the first time ever. I was

kind of nervous at first. I kind of got the hang of it, but it was fun

though. It was cool.

Q: What are some of the best gifts you’ve received so far?

A: A couple watches, jerseys, hats, T-shirts, a lot of different gift

certificates for good restaurants in Houston, cameras. I got a lot, and I

like everything.

Q: So a great ride so far?

A: Yeah, a wonderful ride. I can’t complain.

Q: What’s next on the Mr. Irrelevant tour?

A: Today, I’ve got to go do a “Coaches Corner” or something like that.

It’s really cool, but I’d really like to stay and continue with the boat,

but they say I have to go, so . . . But other than that, tomorrow I have

a beach party. I think tonight I’m going to Dennis Rodman’s restaurant

[Josh Slocums].

So it’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s been a great week. I guess

they’re spoiling me so I won’t want to go back to camp.

Q: What are you going to do between now and camp?

A: Go back to Houston. Just work hard. Lift weights and stay in shape

and get ready for camp and then preseason.

Q: Do you think you’re going to make it?

A: Yeah, I do. I feel that I have a real good chance of making it. As

long as I keep working hard, I feel like I can make it.

Q: Well, anything else?

A: Just whoever’s next year’s Mr. Irrelevant is going to have a good

time because everybody here in Newport is wonderful. It’s a nice place to

come visit. Everybody’s great.


Name: Ahmad Miller

Age: 24

Birthplace: Bradenton, Fla.

Height: 6-foot-3 1/2

Weight: 315 pounds

Football position: Defensive end

Number: 66 (inherited it as an NFL rookie)

Education: Bachelor’s degree in social science from UNLV; one year at

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Family: Father, mother and nine siblings (three brothers)

Residence: Houston, moved from Las Vegas

Hobbies: Movies, bowling, jet skis, video games and watching sports
