
Get out of this town

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Corona del Mar, it seems, doesn’t take too kindly to

out-of-towners. And to at least some area shopkeepers, even their own

representative on the Newport Beach City Council qualifies as an

outsider not to be trusted.

In a council discussion Tuesday night on plans to put signs

throughout the city, some worried that Corona del Mar and Newport

Coast might not accept signs that say they are in Newport Beach.

Though Coast residents seem to get happier every day about the

fact that they’re now within city limits, Corona del Mar still won’t


In fact, as Councilwoman Norma Glover pointed out, many in the

quaint village area are dead-set against accepting the reality that

they are part of Newport Beach.

‘’They won’t cash a check for me in Corona del Mar because my

check says Newport Beach,’’ Glover said.

Luckily for her, Corona del Mar and Newport Beach use the same

cash currency -- at least for now.

Spelling it out

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher raised his ire this week about a

federal amnesty program that allowed an Egyptian-born gunman who shot

and killed two people at Los Angeles International Airport to stay in

the country.

He just forgot to check the spelling of the man’s name.

In an open letter to his congressional colleagues on Wednesday,

Rohrabacher railed against the program that sheltered ‘’Hashem’’

Mohamed Hadayet.

Turns out Hadayet’s first name is spelled H-E-S-H-A-M.

After shooting and killing two employees of Israeli airline El

Al, Hadayet was himself shot down by an LAX security guard.

-- Daily Pilot staffers
