
Cut off the money flow to...

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Cut off the money flow

to Crystal Cove cottages

I couldn’t agree more with Rhoda Friedman (Mailbag, “Schools

should win over Cove cottages,” July 9). To call the Crystal Cove

cottages ‘’historic’’ is a travesty. Historic for what? Anything

happen of abiding interest there? Anyone important person live or die

there? Any significant architecture there? And so on. The answer to

everything is a big ‘’no.’’

Except for the people who had been renting spots for their beach

shacks at a pittance amount, has there been any sort of a community

or state outcry for their preservation? I don’t think so. To spend

tax dollars on them, especially in a year of fiscal decline, is

indefensible. Add to that, putting the state in the role of hotel

keeper is beyond political reason. I vote no.


Newport Beach

Someone wants to alter

human relation’s beliefs

Let me see if I have this straight. In order to be a member of the

Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee, a person should not be reading

or quoting the Family Resource Council or Focus on the Family

(“Anti-hate committee members blasted,” June 29). I’m assuming the

Holy Bible would be a no-no also. Sounds to me like Mira Ingram’s

goal for this committee is changing beliefs rather than behavior.


Costa Mesa

Anyone can pledge

to whoever they wish

When a judge puts on his robe, he takes off his common sense (“No

loss for words on Pledge ruling,” June 27). Why couldn’t he issue a

judicial order allowing the child to say she pledges allegiance to

Pooh Bear, the devil or whatever, because under the same amendment,

she certainly has the right to pledge allegiance to any religion or

idol that she wants to.


Newport Beach
