
Looking for strength in ordeals

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“Call on God,

but row away from the rocks.”

-- Robert M. Young

I recently spoke with friends who are in the middle of difficult

situations. Each shared experiences of feeling God’s peace and

presence as they turned to him for strength and wisdom in their

ordeals. One said she saw life in a different light than before.

“It’s like God has given me a new set of eyes, or at least he has

helped me to see people and life in new ways,” she said.

They all asked for prayer to stay close and connected to God.

“He’s my best hope right now,” one friend explained. “He is also

my best friend.”

I was praying for them as I went walking earlier this week. I left

later than usual, so I didn’t pass people I normally do and by the

time I climbed one hill and turned to the next, I realized I hadn’t

passed anyone at all.

I heard a car behind me, heard a man whistle, but I didn’t look

up. I turned the corner to a spot I love because it feels remote, and

I walk on a dirt path frequented by little rabbits.

A few minutes later a car approached from the other direction, and

I heard men’s voices yelling. I kept walking, but looked back and

could see the silhouettes of three men. Then I realized it was the

same car that passed earlier, and then it turned around quickly and

came back. I wasn’t feeling particularly good about the situation and

picked up my pace as I heard its engine rev and heard the tires

screech as it turned right in front of where I was. I’d already

decided if they returned, I’d run down a nearby that path that a car

couldn’t go down and that would bring me out to a populated street.

I ran a bit and looked back. The car didn’t move for awhile, and

when it started off slowly, I moved back to see if I could get a

description. I thought they were leaving, but apparently they were

watching for me, and they swung back around. This time I took off to

where I knew they couldn’t see me, but perhaps I could get a license

plate to report them so they didn’t do this again. I prayed for God’s

guidance, and for other people to appear. I could see the car waiting

in the distance.

After about five minutes the car left as other walkers appeared,

including one woman walking with a dog. I came out, realized she was

a friend, and asked if she’d noticed the car. She clearly had, she

knew the make and model, and we walked to her home nearby.

When I came home, I called the police and gave my report. They

told me I should always walk with a cell phone, which I will start to

do, and I’m passing that tip on to you.

Now I pray that God would help me keep my eyes wide open and alert

to the physical world around me. I’m also praying that he would help

open the eyes of my heart more too.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
