
Fireworks debate still has not fizzled out

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AT ISSUE: A surprising Sunday fireworks display on June 9 has

prompted Newport Beach officials to reconsider issuing permission for

other events.

I think the fireworks were great (“Newport fireworks display

surprises residents,” June 11). At first, I thought someone upstairs,

in the upstairs condo, was moving furniture but was pleasantly

surprised when I went outside to investigate it. It would be nice if

prior notification could be made in the local paper. Also, I would

like to comment about the Fourth of July fireworks at the Dunes. I

think it’s a tradition that will be thoroughly missed, and I think

the city should do everything possible to have it retained.


Corona del Mar

Does the city make any money off this? If so, how much? I’d like

to know what the qualifications are in order to

be issued a permit and how

many have been issued in the last year. I think that considering

that Newport Beach doesn’t allow you to buy or sell or use fireworks,

nobody should be able to get a permit for this.


Newport Beach

I thoroughly enjoyed the fireworks. I thought it was beautiful. I

know my neighbors enjoyed it. They were all out on their roofs

watching it. I don’t know what the big deal is. I think too many

people have nothing to do but complain about things. But it’s not

necessary to make a big deal out of this. I thought it was lovely.


Balboa Peninsula

All of our neighbors loved the fireworks. It was beautiful. It was

very well done. The noise only called our attention to it so we

didn’t miss it. When are they going to do it again?


Cameo Highland

The city should allow it, I think, definitely, but the residents

have to be made aware. Fliers, in the paper, or some message because

it scared the living daylights out of us. We had no idea what was

going on. It sounded like something was hitting the roof. To be fair,

they should allow it, just warn the residents.


Corona del Mar

My wife and I live quite close to where the display was and I

think it was a neat thing for a wedding party and they had a permit

and it was done in a class way. We enjoyed it. As for all the old

fuddy-duddies who were worried because their TV was disrupted or

whatever, they need to just move on with a life and let other people

live theirs. Do not stop issuing permits for such activities.


Newport Beach

I think the city can continue issuing permits to people. I see no

harm in that. In fact our family thought it was great fun watching

the fireworks the other night not knowing what they were for but we

enjoyed the show.


Newport Beach

I enjoyed the fireworks that were set up on a barge for someone’s

wedding in Newport Coast. They were absolutely beautiful. They went

off about 9:45 p.m. They did not bother our family at all. We all

enjoyed them. We wish something like that would have been put on the

Fourth of July since the Dunes was not able to put on its show this

year. I hope that someone will pick that idea up next year.


Newport Beach

I think we should definitely curtail the issuance of fireworks

permits especially off Cameo Shores because of the fire hazards. I’m

sure the fireworks display that Sunday was magnificent, but I was

hovering in the back room with my two dogs who were shaking like

leaves. They were terrified by it. It was practically on our patio.


Corona del Mar

I’m very much opposed to the fireworks, and I hope everyone has

the good sense not to have fireworks on the Fourth. And this

celebrating weddings, I know they’re doing that in England, but it’s

cheap, cheap, cheap.


Newport Beach

We always go down every year to watch the Dunes’ fireworks, and we

really enjoy it so we hope they have it again.



I think it’s just disgraceful that the people in our area, Newport

Beach or Costa Mesa, are so old fashioned that they can’t enjoy an

impromptu, fun display. I think the people that are not enjoying it

should move to Wyoming or some place like that. I just think that

this town is getting to be so old. You don’t have to be old in age.

I just think it’s just ridiculous how people can comment about

something so beautiful as a fireworks display on a wedding. Something

I would so love to do with my own daughter if and when she gets

married. I don’t understand why people are so narrow-minded that they

have to lock themselves into a little world and be afraid of a few

little sounds in the evening or some beautiful lights. It’s just

ridiculous. I wish people would be a little more lighthearted about

life in general around here and enjoy life instead of going around

like scared rabbits about every little thing that happens.


Newport Beach

The fireworks off on a barge off Pelican Coast were wonderful, and

I hope the city will continue to issue permits. I wouldn’t let a few

grouches spoil the fun.


Corona del Mar
