
Dinner and a movie

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Christine Carrillo

After renting the very latest in new movie releases and ordering a

large pizza with your favorite toppings, you’ve discovered, to your

dismay, that there’s something missing--ice cream.

Unfortunately, while your plan for movies, pizza and ice cream may

sound like a very laid-back way of spending an evening at home, you

have not yet thought about the amount of leg work this relaxing

evening would require.

You must make three separate trips and driving here and there just

seems tedious and yet, unavoidable.

Unless you’re among those Costa Mesa residents who have found the

solution: Video Hill Pizza & Ice Cream.

Video Hill has responded to the public’s cries for convenience by

providing a place where customers can get a movie, pizza and ice

cream, not to mention a satellite dish including installation.

“It’s not my aim to make more money,” said Sanjeev Kumar, store

owner. “My aim is to make the customers happy.”

And apparently he has.

“I just moved to Costa Mesa from Fountain Valley a few weeks ago

and my friend kept raving about this place,” said George Perez, a new

Video Hill customer. “I couldn’t really understand what he was

talking about until I saw it and I think it’s great.”

By placing a unusual spin on familiar businesses, Kumar has

transformed his dream into a reality.

“I believe in karma--what you do good will come back to you good,”

he said. “And at the end of my day my target is always

completed--that’s my dream.”

A dream that, Kumar believes, isn’t affected much by the larger

competing video rental and pizza businesses in the area.

“Neighborhood business is a little different,” he said. “[My

customers] want more personalized service. I know them by name and

they know me by name.”

By becoming more personally involved with his customers, Kumar has

found that they have become more understanding of him. An important

element of a family business.

Kumar, who has owned the business with his wife Reena for six

years, doesn’t have any employees but receives help from his brothers

and nephews when he needs it.

Even though he’s usually the only employee on the premises, Kumar

still believes that he provides the best service in the area.

Selling Dryers ice cream and using quality cheese in his personal

pizza recipe, he strives to provide quality to his customers and

believes he has.

Understanding his current limitations, like not having a pizza

delivery service, Kumar does plan on increasing the element of

convenience his store has become known for.

“They would like to pay their bills here too,” Kumar said adding

that he has already started to look into it. “I care about the

customer and it will be more convenient for them.”

The bottom-line, “It’s very convenient,” Reena said. “It’s a

one-stop shop.”

Video Hill is at 1125 Victoria St. #R in Costa Mesa.
