
HBTV-3 is a sacred cow they...

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HBTV-3 is a sacred cow they won’t cut

HBTV-3 will never be part of a budget cut because it lets

incumbents use taxpayer money to campaign all year long for free.

We refer to it as “Re-elect Me TV” at our house. This is a sacred

cow that the City Council recognizes as their personal toy to keep

their jobs.


Huntington Beach

Council took easy way out by delaying vote

I think the City Council made a mistake in delaying the vote on

council districts. They took the chicken’s way out and that’s why we

need fresh new leadership on our council.


Huntington Beach

I’ve been a resident in Huntington Beach for 42 years and I’m

shocked at the behavior of the City Council. Twenty-two thousand

people signed that petition, and it’s an outrage that they have

delayed the vote until 2004.


Huntington Beach

We should ground police helicopters

I believe the police air unit should be grounded. Not only does it

cost a fortune to run, but when one of those helicopters comes down

and crashes into a school or an occupied building the lawsuits that

will ensue will bankrupt the city within 24 hours.


Huntington Beach

Copters disturb the peace in Surf City

The police fly these expensive, noisy whirly-birds at all hours of

the day (I have heard them go round and round and round and round and

round and round -- you get the idea) at 7 a.m., noon, 4 p.m., 2:30

a.m. or whenever they please. These are nothing but a nuisance to

people trying to sleep, work from home or, God forbid, get infants to

nap during the afternoon.

If crime is so bad directly above my subdivision to merit two

dozen helicopter flyovers per day, every day in Huntington Beach,

then the Huntington Beach Police Department had better get serious

about clamping down on crime and declare marshal law within a

five-mile radius of the Beach Boulevard Burger King.

Will these endless helicopter flyovers ever stop a heinous crime

in action? Possibly. Do these helicopters make noise, waste money,

disrupt streams of consciousness, upset toddlers, rattle windows and

wake up the dead? Definitely.

If it wants to flex its muscle, the Huntington Beach Police

Department would be better served putting a cop with his ticket book

on a horse at the end of my driveway and write citations to the 150

motorists that whiz down our 25 mph residential street at speeds in

excess of 60 mph every day.

Leave the helicopter flying to Tom Cruise urban warfare disaster

flicks and guests en route to parties at Dennis Rodman’s house in

Newport Beach. The law should have its boots on the ground. Now

pardon me if I go and try to get some work done while I’ve got a

six-minute helicopter-free window to concentrate in.


Huntington Beach
