
47, Irvine ... 70th District Assemblyman...

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47, Irvine ... 70th District Assemblyman ... Headed Republican

opposition to Gov. Gray Davis’ budget because it contained a series

of tax hikes ... “I feel very confident we can get these tax

increases out of the budget” ... Serves as the vice chairman of the

Assembly’s budget committee ... Jointly sponsored the “do not call”

cold-call bill in October to stop harassing phone calls from

telemarketers ... Helped secure $9.2 million in funding for the

historic district in Crystal Cove State Park ... Says 26th President

Teddy Roosevelt is one of his role models ... Participates in Civil

War battle re-enactments ... Married to Catherine for 24 years ...

Has two children: Taylor, 16, and Logan, 14 ... Last year’s ranking:

