
Football coach, player do great jobs...

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Football coach, player do great jobs

I want to pay you a sincere compliment for the article regarding

Elizabeth Eddy (“All the right moves,” Tuesday). What a wonderful

lady she is. She’s a great gal and she does a great job.

But I also want to comment on the wonderful coach that they have

there, Kirk Norton. He just loves his kids. He knows everybody by

name and he knew it from the first day one. The guy has done a great

job. I want to thank you, the Daily Pilot, for taking the time to

write about this wonderful young lady. Also, please remember that we

are neighbors here, we all live here, I’ve lived here for 67 years

and I really appreciate your paper. Thank you very much.


Costa Mesa

Ficus trees simply needed to be torn down

I find it incredible that a few people can hold Newport Beach

hostage. Where have these people been for the last two years? Why is

it that none of these people stepped forward until after the removal

of the trees had been voted on and plans were finalized for the

revitalization of Balboa.

All this talk about the trees, what about the merchants and

property owners? I, for one am thankful that our city and City

Council is spending millions of dollars to clean up Balboa; it is

long overdue. Instead of spending all this energy for some trees, how

about supporting our local merchants. Have any of these tree people

looked at the sketches? Have they seen how attractive Balboa will be

with new wider sidewalks? I am glad the trees are gone; it’s time for

a new beginning for a revitalized Balboa.


Peninsula Point

More code enforcement may not solve problem

In the Sept. 19 edition of the Pilot, there was an article about

cleaning up some of the worst Costa Mesa apartments through code

enforcement (“Code proposal triggers debate”). Many people have been

speaking up about this for at least a couple of years. My thought is

that something could have and should have been done about this a long

time ago.

The article mentioned Planning Commission Chairwoman Katrina Foley

“has been pushing for a program to eradicate substandard housing for

almost a year.”

My question is does it really need to take that long? She wants it

to be a “comprehensive” program and to increase the number of code

enforcement officers. To me, that means more bureaucracy and red

tape. Now, I am not opposed to more code enforcement officers if it

solves the problem. But according to the staff report code

enforcement already responded to 58 complaints of substandard housing

this year.

Can’t we act on those complaints right now? Won’t that start to

solve the problem right now with no new red tape? Surely as time goes

on, people will see the results and more will call code enforcement.

Councilman Gary Monahan was right in saying that “adding new

bureaucracy is not always the best way to combat an issue.”


Costa Mesa

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Allan R. Mansoor is a Costa Mesa City Council

