
‘Won’t you come along and tiptoe with me’

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“Tiptoe through the tulips.”

--Tiny Tim

“Her Lips were red ....”

--Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Prior to “mansionization” and “spite hedges,” I quietly chose to

grow mainly herbaceous plantings. When lonely, however, I indulged

myself occasionally with a colorful whimsy in the garden.

The passing years found romance and marriage, and Catharine’s

desire for color, tulips and narcissi became insistent. I began to

add potted flowers in great numbers. A foolhardy endeavor, because it

involved extra work (much like the Design Review Board) that I wasn’t

prepared to undertake.

Faced with never-ending gardening tasks, I deemed that a reduction

of our flower garden was necessary. Sadly, it resembled my efforts to

lose weight -- with much difficulty, demands of self-denial and

results that never quite reached expectations. Fortuitously, my wife

began her own romance with the garden and became St. Catharine of


The tulip is the perhaps the best known of all bulbs. Its

brilliant spring display is enjoyed throughout the world. The flowers

vary considerably in color, form and height. Tulips are spectacular

when massed alone or combine beautifully with other spring flowers

such as alyssum, pansies and violas. Where you decide to enjoy tulips

is only limited by your imagination -- rock gardens, planting beds

and containers are just a few suggestions.

Tulips are officially divided into groups of related flower types

not based on botanical relationships. To simplify my tulip purchases,

I generally look for the time of bloom -- early and midseason

bloomers are labeled as such -- and then select the colors, flower

shape and size I want for my garden. With new introductions each

season, it is wise to consult your local nursery to keep current with

the latest hybrids.

Buy tulip bulbs only from a well-stocked nursery, which offers

varieties selected for your climate zone. Refrigerate them at 40 to

50 degrees, in paper bags for a minimum of eight weeks (don’t allow

bulbs to freeze). After removal from the fridge, plant the bulbs

immediately. Do not plant tulips in Laguna until after Thanksgiving

and as late as February. They will bloom from March to April.

Tulips thrive in rich soil, but most importantly, they require a

soil that drains well and quickly. Animal manures should not touch

the bulbs, and specially formulated granular bulb fertilizers, low in

nitrogen, are best. Plant bulbs at equal depths, about 4 to 6 inches

under the soil. Remember, when in doubt, plant tulips a little

deeper. Spacing should be carefully arranged to allow root growth,

and quality bulbs will always ensure uniformity in stem heights.

Water thoroughly immediately after planting and continue watering

sparingly until the leaves emerge. Soak beds regularly after this.

You will obtain best results if the soil is mulched to keep it cool

and moist, not soggy, throughout the rooting season. It is important

to reapply bulb fertilizer several times during the spring growing


Whether growing tulips in garden beds or containers, keep them out

of direct sunlight. Light shade helps to prolong bloom. Also, the

longer the soil can be kept cool, the better developed the root

system will be, providing superior blooms. Tulips have a certain

impatience with continued summer watering, so in general, it is

difficult to keep them more than one season. For that reason one

usually discards them for new bulbs each year.

I grow tulips because of their magnificence and because many are

red. I have always lusted after anything that is bright red -- roses

and Ferraris come to mind quickly. Perhaps I first became attracted

to Catharine, nearly 15 years ago, simply because of the red lipstick

she wore on our first date. See you next time.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1540 S. Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. He is married to local artist

Catharine Cooper and has three cats. He can be reached at 949 497

2438 or by e-mail at
