
There exist more important issues As...

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There exist more important issues

As a lifelong resident of Southern California, I have lived with

airplane noise for as long as I can remember (“Costa Mesa delves into

flights issue,” Thursday). Airplane noise in SoCal is not going away

anytime soon and I wish people would just stop complaining about it.

We happen to live in the most congested airspace in the country,

and it will probably only get worse. I live on the Eastside of Costa

Mesa a quarter-mile from John Wayne Airport and directly under the

path of the flights into Long Beach.

The flights are most definitely on their way to Long Beach and I

have identified FedEx, UPS, American, America West, Jet Blue and

various private jets such as Gulfstreams, Cessna Citations and


Both John Wayne and Long Beach airports have been around far

longer than most of the homes in the area and people should know that

when they buy here. I certainly did and, with the exception of those

living directly under JWA’s departure path, you just get used to the

noise whether it be from airlines, private jets, helicopters or small

general aviation airplanes.

As for the Long Beach flight path, the planes are not screaming

overhead as many residents like to believe; rather they are on

descent with the engine power reduced in preparation for landing.

I do not feel that the city should expend any resources toward

fighting the Long Beach flights. There are more important issues to

deal with in Costa Mesa and the city stands a slim chance if any of

winning a battle aimed at altering these flight paths.


Costa Mesa

Officials should gather information on flights

I liked the article on Thursday, and I think the city should get

as much information and help as possible before getting into any kind

of fight. Also, thanks for printing the list of aviation-related

complaint phone numbers and address.


Costa Mesa

Residents must accept airplane noise

Your polling question on Thursday was very leading. Unfortunately,

you forgot one other option that the city of Costa Mesa should

pursue: Forget about it.

I live in Mesa North directly under the flight path of the

aircraft preparing to land in Long Beach. Yes, I hear the aircraft

when I’m outside, but I also hear traffic noise from the San Diego

Freeway, police helicopters, leaf blowers and the occasional din from

the residents of the drug halfway house across the street.

With the exception of the last, they are all noises that we

residents of a vital urban area have to accept as a part of the cost

of living here.

I don’t really care what the reasons are for the overflights.

They’re simply not objectionable. And no, I’m not hard of hearing.

Get a life, folks. There are a lot more urgent issues our city needs

to deal with than a little noise from above.


Costa Mesa
