
Bars filled with praying fans

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Deirdre Newman

Usually, October can find Angels fans drowning their sorrows,

reminiscing about another could-have-been, should-have-been season.

But this Saturday found them with beer mugs in their hands for a

different reason.

Angels fans packed local bars, cheering their team on in the first

game of the World Series against the San Francisco Giants, which was

taking place not too far away at Edison Field in Anaheim.

At Rudy’s Pub and Grill in Newport Beach, more than 100 people

came to watch the game. Bartender Josh Van Steenwyk compared the

atmosphere to a Los Angeles Lakers’ finals game.

At the Corner Office in Costa Mesa, close to 300 Angels fans

showed up and snatched all the seats.

“It’s pretty pumped up,’ said Scott Hodge, the bar’s managing

partner, adding that his place usually doesn’t attract large crowds

on the weekend since it’s in a business district. “I’ve been an

Angels fan [for 28 years] and it’s nice to see people get pumped up.”

At Mutt Lynch’s in Newport Beach, about 125 filled the joint,

watching as the Giants came out swinging to take a 2-0 lead early in

the game. Many said they tried to get tickets to the World Series,

but were deterred by the costly price.

“We were online at 9 a.m. the day they went on sale and couldn’t

get them,” said Megan Werneke, 22, of Costa Mesa. “They cost

thousands of dollars on E-Bay.”

Fans said they came to Mutt Lynch’s because of its mellow


“It’s a really relaxed atmosphere and everyone’s nice and cool,”

said Rashelle Mideen, 22, of Irvine, who was sporting a red top and a

red necklace with an Angels pin dangling from it. “It feels like

home. Plus you get a nice view of the beach outside.”

The bar even concocted a special drink for Angel fans -- the Dirty

Halo, an eight ounce shot of pear and raspberry cider with a Guinness

float on top to create a halo effect. Bartender Frank Lopes, 40,

wearing an Angels shirt and cap, said he thought fans were still in a

lot of shock just seeing the Angels in the World Series.

And avid Angel fans don’t leave home without their rally monkeys,

as evidenced by Sonja Kepko, 29, of Newport Beach, who brought hers

in her purse. Kepko said she got the monkey during the Angels-Yankees

playoff series and every time it doesn’t watch the game, the Angels


Kepko said she hopes the series goes all the way since she has

tickets to Game 7.

“I’ve been an Angels fan since I was 2,” Kepko said. “It’s so

awesome to see them finally make it. Even if they lose, it will be

great because they made it so far.”

Despite the sea of Angels fans, there were some Giants fans who

braved the crowd. Teresa Morrison, 25, drove down from Redding in a

Jeep adorned with Giants stickers to hang out with her boyfriend. But

she didn’t find a lot of support among his friends.

“His friends peeled some of the stickers off, so I’m not feeling

the love,” Morrison lamented.

Although the Giants dominated most of the game, fans had high

hopes that their team would triumph in the series.

“I can’t wait until they take care of the Giants,” said Chris

Merlo, 42, of Balboa. “Of course we will win, in five or six games. I

truly believe.”

* DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers education. She may be reached at (949)

574-4221 or by e-mail at
