
The path to the greener grass

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“I admire lolling on a lawn by a water-lilied pond to eat white

currants and see goldfish.”

“Green how I want you green.”

Traditional garden design has suggested elements that our first

garden will likely include. This is probably due to a vague

recollection of featured gardens in the Architectural Digest. Such

musings are replete with a vast acreage of emerald green grass,

croquet, lawn chairs and children’s swing sets complete the image.

If a green lawn is appealing to you, it is simple to grow your own

lawn from seed. Besides water, all grass requires is sunlight, the

right sort of prepared soil and the appropriate lawn grass seed.

Lawns sown in the fall are usually more successful than those

begun at other times of the year. The reasons are obvious enough,

moderate temperatures allow for rapid seed germination and the new

lawn enters the winter encountering little competition from weeds.

Autumn days provide ideal sunlight and warmth, and there is even the

possibility of early rainfall.

Although our temperate locale and the current availability of

water allows the use of cool-season grasses, like bluegrass and bent

grass, I recommend the tall fescues (Southland’s Marathon is a

well-known brand), because they require less water and stay green

year-round (unlike the hybrid Bermudas or St. Augustine grass).

A good lawn always begins with a good soil preparation for the

grass roots. In Laguna, I generally recommend adding six yards of

redwood compost and the addition of 200 pounds each of gypsite and

Gro-Power per 1,000 square feet. These materials need to be

thoroughly incorporated into the soil at a depth of 6 to 8 inches.

Rake and roll the area thoroughly, insuring that all large lumps are

broken up. The soil should be left as smooth as possible.

Early-morning sowing is advised to avoid afternoon winds. Rake the

seed lightly into the soil. Apply a quarter-inch layer of mulch over

the seed to protect it from drying out and being eaten by birds. Keep

the mulch dark with water until the grass begins popping up. Water

gently ... don’t wash the seeds out! In four to six weeks, you’ll

have a great lawn!

When travel finds us away from Laguna, Catharine and I miss the

ocean. It’s part of the lure that keeps us at the beach. We have

discovered, however, that a patch of grass in a secluded spot can

usually be found anywhere. It is the green spaces that always seem to

enhance our visiting experiences. It’s also true, however, that the

grass is somehow greener back home.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1540 S. Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. He is married to local artist

Catharine Cooper and has three cats. He can be reached at 497-2438 or

by e-mail at
