
Election is over, get those signs...

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Election is over, get those signs down

All right, people ... the fat lady has sung. Let’s get those awful

election signs down ... NOW! What a blight they have been on our

beautiful city. And shame on those who posted two and three signs at

each location. You know who you are!


Huntington Beach

Not all serial killers come from Wisconsin

From “REEL CRITICS -- All hallowed classics”:

“Psycho (1960, directed by Alfred Hitchcock). Forget the remakes

and sequels, this is the one that made people afraid to shower again.

Anthony Perkins plays an amateur taxidermist who runs a little motel

and has some serious issues with his mother. In addition to being a

horror classic, this is a visually innovative movie that pushed the

envelope in film production. Like “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and

“Silence of the Lambs,” “Psycho” is based on the antics of Wisconsin

serial killer Ed Gein. It’s funny how Wisconsin has a knack for

producing people like Ed Gein and Jeffery Dahmer. It must be the


While we can claim Ed Gein as a native son, Dahmer was a native of

Ohio, where his first victim was found buried in the back yard of his

childhood home. Although it is surely true that Wisconsin cheese is

far superior to that produced in California, you can’t blame Dahmer

on any of our dairy products.

There may be a link, however. Some years ago when our license

plate was being redesigned, the Wisconsin State Journal in Madison

sponsored a contest to pick a new slogan for the plate. In the end,

of course, there was no support for removing “America’s Dairyland,”

but my favorite entry was a knock off on the New Hampshire slogan:

“Eat Cheese or Die”!

My other favorite, for the Francophile: “Come Smell Our Dairy


On, Wisconsin!


Huntington Beach

Parkside should be left to nature

The Shea/Parkside property should be left alone to return to its

natural state -- an open space wetland for plants and wildlife. Some

property is truly not developable. This is the case with the Parkside



Huntington Beach

I think, definitely, as far as Parkside is concerned, the area

should be restored as wetlands. We don’t need more homes. It will

mean more traffic, more congestion, and we definitely don’t need



Huntington Beach

Pancake house perfect for Downtown

The Strand is perfect for the new Downtown. Now I noticed City

Editor Danette Goulet mentioned the IHOP is coming here. Everyone I

talk to on my daily walk to the beach is anxiously awaiting its

opening. And we are really salivating and anxious to eat their

delicious food and we are definitely going to be eating there often.

So I think it will all fit in perfect with the new The Strand.


Huntington Beach

Praise Christian Church is all wrong

I’m an activist for the fireman, I’ve been for five years, and I

think this thing about the Praise Christian Church, I think the

church is all wrong. Fire Chief Michael Dolder knows what he’s doing.

You want a fire? He’s preventing lives from being lost. You’ve got to

follow law. The Bible says you have to do what Caesar says. You have

to abide by the rules ....You can’t do what you want. That’s wrong,

and I think this is very insulting to the fireman. I don’t think they

did a thing wrong. They don’t want to obey the rules. If they got

burned, who would save them --the fireman.


Huntington Beach

City should just let old buildings be

I was at a meeting because of the Parkside issue and I listened to

the minister there, and the city and the Planning Commission tried to

make a judgment on this church building on Goldenwest Street.

It is an old building, and they want to use it as a church. But

after reading your article in the Independent, the Fire Department is

going through a lot of gymnastics.

They’re quoting this and that and so on and so forth and have put

the church on a defensive. That’s happened many times in the city,

I’m sure. It seems to me that the city had to have some kind of a

grandfather clause to allow these buildings to continue to operate

and not go through this bureaucracy of who signs what and who does

this and that.

For a city of 200,000 people, it sounds like its kind of

rinky-dink, and I’ve been here for 35 years living in the city and I

take issue with the way they go about this kind of business. When you

have old buildings and old streets and so on, so forth, there should

be some accommodation. You should be more straightforward. It sounds

like you’re being dishonest, so the attorneys have to get in there.


Huntington Beach

Ad ban doesn’t violate 1st Amendment

I don’t think this violates the 1st Amendment at all because

there’s a difference between freedom of speech and advertising. And

this law is not about what they’re pulling and towing behind the

airplanes, it’s about the noise pollution over our city and the

unsafe banners they’re towing.

I’ve lived here for many years and have been a beach-goer for many

years, and it’s very annoying to sit at the beach and all you hear

all day long is the planes going over with advertisings that I don’t

need to see. So, I really hope the council sticks to its guns and

keeps these planes out of the air.


Huntington Beach

No, I don’t think the aerial advertising violates the 1st

Amendment. We are talking about noise pollution here. If everyone

wanted to voice their opinion via the 1st Amendment, the noise

pollution would be even more intolerable than it is now. In addition,

what happened to good taste? I just now saw the planes flying over my

home today with an aborted fetus. It’s beyond disgusting. Noise

pollution is not good for one.


Huntington Beach

I do not think that the ban on aerial advertising violates our

free-speech rights. It’s an issue that concerns noise pollution. As a

person involved in aviation, I realize that John Wayne Airport, and

many other airports in the area, have noise abatement laws

procedures. Why wouldn’t we be held accountable, or pilots flying low

creating noise pollution be subject to the same noise laws? So again,

they’re distorting the issue.


Huntington Beach

City’s aerial ad ban is totally ridiculous

The city’s ban on aerial advertising is absolutely ridiculous.

It’s lovely to see these things floating around the sky, and these

idiots that complain, I don’t know what’s wrong with them.

I think the city’s ban on aerial advertising violates free speech

and there’s nothing wrong with aerial advertising. These people that

complain, I don’t know what’s wrong with them.


Huntington Beach
