
Participating prayerfully

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“You need someone and someone needs you. To make this thing called

life work, we have to lean and support. And relate and respond. And

give and take. And confess and forgive. And reach out and embrace.”

-- Charles R. Swindoll

I love discovering new places. Our family has had many fun

adventures as we’ve tried new spots, sports and new scenery. I also

love traditions and frequenting places that hold special memories.

One of my favorites is Catalina Island. It may just be “26 miles

across the sea,” the island that the song says “is waiting for me.

Catalina Island, the island of romance.” But it’s much more that

that. It’s a step back in time and it keeps me connected to

generations past.

I hope the island holds the same for the future. I have happy

memories of Catalina from as far back as I can remember and I’ve seen

pictures of my mother’s family enjoying the beautiful island back in

the 1920s and ‘30s.

Catalina, with its sapphire waters and varied coves, is another

tangible proof of God’s creative genius. To me, Catalina means

swimming, walking, running, hiking and even biking. It is telling

jokes, sharing stories, laughing, praying, crying and napping. It

means waking up early, and sometimes sleeping in late. It means

playing games, cooking and cleaning together. We have hiked past

buffalo, avoided wild boar and rattlesnakes.

It’s quiet or it’s congested, depending on your mood or

destination. It’s people helping people, or the freedom to enjoy

solitude. Catalina is that, and more, to me.

I love the outdoors and outdoor sports. Three of my favorites are

swimming, biking and running. Because of that, I’ve participated in

mini-triathlons. I’ve written about some of them and participated in

some of them with many of you readers, as well as with our daughters

and friends.

Last weekend, I was scheduled to take part in a relay with

friends. Being in a relay was going to be a new experience for me,

and I was really looking forward to it. At one point I was going to

do the biking portion, but then it switched to swimming, which was

fine and seemed better for me at that particular time.

Enough things happened in my life that made some people question

if participating at all was really wise for me. Some were friends and

“teammates” I’d called out to just a few days earlier when I needed

help. They were there for me in a flash.

I hate the feeling of letting others down, or going back on my

word, but it seems that if God is involved in the decision, He will

take care of the details. I told them I’d pray about it, but even as

I said that, I sensed God gently shaking His head.

I told my friends I couldn’t participate physically, though I

would prayerfully. They understood, found a replacement, did well and

had a great time. They didn’t need me at all, and I needed not to be


It was a good reminder that when things don’t go as planned, God

still has a plan, and even when I am sidelined, I can still pray and

be part of the team.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
