
Set for improvement

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Bryce Alderton

A more streamlined approach occurred for the Sage Hill High girls

basketball program in the off-season.

This year the Lightning will suit its first junior varsity team in

addition to the varsity squad for second-year Sage Hill Coach Shanna

Renkin, who said the talent has been directed into the right places.

“Last year, we had one team of 15 girls and the level of talent

was so different,” Renkin said. “Some girls had played a little and

there were some who had played a lot, which made getting ready for

the game really hard. This year it has been a huge difference. The

girls are easier to work with and the talent is more together in


Observers of Lightning games this season should expect more of a

set offense with 6-foot-2 sophomore center Katie Puishys and 6-1

freshman forward Haywood Wright setting up inside and senior 5-6

point guard Carrie Clark and sister Carly Clark (5-7 sophomore guard)

releasing outside shots, Renkin said.

Carrie, Carly and Puishys, who averaged 15 rebounds last season,

were All-Academy League selections last season as Sage Hill went

5-15, 2-8 in league.

The Clark sisters, Puishys and Haywood, along with either 5-9

freshman forward Christina Mainero or 5-5 sophomore guard Vicky

Gutierrez, will start for Renkin when the Lightning hosts Buena Park

Dec. 4.

“I’m leaning toward (Mainero) because my offense is based on

having a bigger three,” Renkin said.

Renkin doesn’t hesitate when asked who leads the team.

“Carrie is the leader by far,” Renkin said. “We need her to be the

general and do a lot of teaching for the girls coming up.”

Gutierrez will come off the bench when Carrie Clark come out.

Gutierrez has progressed much over the summer, Renkin said.

Renkin will try to implement a style where screens set up

three-point shots with Wright and Puishys providing the boards.

“With (Puishys) and (Wright) we’re looking for double-digit

rebounding and scoring,” Renkin said.

One of two Lightning seniors, 5-6 guard Yvonne Kawamura (Carrie

Clark is the other senior), 5-8 junior forward Natasha Kaliski and

5-7 freshman guard Allison Gonzalez will add to Sage Hill’s arsenal.
