
Local man mails package on time

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Holiday thoughts while standing in line at the post office:

What a mob ... . I should wait until -- no. Might was well stay.

There’s someone behind me now.

So here I am, a Grown Man Getting It Done. ... These packages are

going to reach their destination BEFORE Christmas. A new Kiraly

record. You finally made it, buddy; you’re mature. You meet

deadlines. You think of others. You’re George Bailey.

That woman has so many packages, it looks like they’re carrying

her. They’re nicely wrapped, though. ... She can wrap odd shapes. ...

I can only wrap books and DVDs ... .

I still haven’t found that Japanimation series for Katie. Every

year there’s some hot item for kids that costs an eye and sells out

in the Southland on Nov. 28th. Christmas is too comm--

Yeah, right. You weren’t calling it commercial back when you were

writing to Santa.

It’s tough, picking the right gift for everyone, though.

Imaginative pressure. What will each relative like? Have you balanced

the gift impact so you don’t favor one child over another? Tricky

stuff. That’s why this year, I’m just giving everyone in the family a

CD player in the shape of a tiny Volkswagen.

On second thought, though, that could get grim on Christmas

morning. First recipient surprised; even second recipient surprised

... but third recipient testy?

Hey, lady, you can go, it’s your turn.

Might want to rethink that whole idea, mix up the gifts a little

more. I like a happy crew on Christmas morning. We’ve had some good

ones. ... Snake Mountain ... Puppy Surprise ... Nintendo Super System

or whatever that was ... all the trees ... carrots for the reindeer

... over to Grandma’s. Have to savor these Christmases before Katie

gets older and moves out like Keaton did. Santa won’t come after

Katie leaves; he doesn’t care about grown-ups.

Oh, I’m up? Sorry, I was dreaming ... . Yeah, hi, I just got these

three. ... Well, wait ... I’ve only got two. What did I do with ... ?

Oh, man, I forgot one. I can’t believe it. OK, yeah, I’ll send these

and then come back ... and get in line again.

Darnedest thing ... . All those years to become George Bailey, and

by the time you get to the counter, you’re Uncle Billy.

The Kiraly family wishes you a happy holiday and a wonderful life.
