
Having a sense of humor is a blessing

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“I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to

the Creator to suppose that he has a sense of humor.”


I am convinced that I keep God chuckling at my many foibles and

fumbles. Unfortunately, I’m sure he shakes his head in disbelief at

many of the same. Though I know I have caused God sorrow, too, I’m

thankful for his forgiveness whenever I admit and apologize for my

mistakes. Lately, I’ve really been enjoying the ability to laugh at


I have many very funny family members and friends, young and old

alike, and sometimes when I feel the need to laugh, I just think of

them, or read something they’ve written.

Toward the end of last year I wrote some columns about two falls I

experienced while bicycle riding. They led to many colorful bruises

and cuts and to some doctors and chiropractic appointments. They also

happened around the time of my birthday last October.

One day soon after my falls and my birthday, some of my close

friends took me to a special lunch where they treated me to a

delicious meal, mouth-watering dessert and a feast of laughter.

After the meal, my friends presented me with their gift.

“There’s more later,” one of them said.

I was a bit suspicious. It was a big, bright and shiny gift bag. I

peered inside and saw a large roll of plastic bubble wrap. Carefully

taped to the top of the roll was a poem to me, written by my friend

Guy Owen.

He wrote: “The Cindy Cycle Saga” Or “Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’”

See lil’ Cindy go flyin’ down the hills

She was a smilin’ and a laffin’ jes before her spill.

She tumbled and she rolled, landed face down in the dirt

But she popped right back up, even though it hurt!

Thinkin’ she was better, she took off down the street

Only this time, it was the pavement that she had the chance to


All scraped up and mangled, her helmet scratched and busted,

What are we to do with you to keep you from gettin’ dusted?

Worried that, like sneezes, your falls might come in threes

We bought you some protection for your head and hands and knees.

So next time you go a ridin’, in case you fall and go “blap!”

Just cover your entire body with this roll of bubble wrap.

I’ve shared the roll and poem with anyone who has the time and the

desire for a good deep laugh, even if the joke is on me. Thank you,

my friends, thank you, Guy, and most of all, thank you, God, for the

gift of laughter.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
