
El Morro support is ironic, unfounded

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Rick Wilson

I have three comments regarding the latest installment of spin

control by Denny Freidenrich -- hired gun for El Morro Trailer Park

residents (with paid advertisements in the Coastline Pilot).

First, Freidenrich writes that the alternative plan will “generate

... dollars for open space acquisition, conservation, water quality,

public access.” That’s pretty ironic, since allowing the trailers to

stay will prevent all those things from being achieved at El Moro. I

guess he’s come up with a new twist to “not in my back yard.”

Second, Freidenrich writes that “... the state’s plan still

includes a seawall off El Moro Beach ...” The truth is that the state

plan will include a small section of rip-rap to protect the lifeguard

building and restroom. About 90% of the existing rip-rap that

protects the trailers on the ocean side of the highway will be

removed, thus resulting in a substantial reduction in seawall

compared to the present conditions. The Coastal Commission would

never have approved the State Park Plan if it had included a seawall.

Third, regarding his fear mongering regarding camp sites near El

Morro School, those that attended the Board of Education meeting last

week heard from a State Park representative that a closely analogous

situation has existed for many years in San Clemente, where Concordia

Elementary School exists adjacent to San Clemente State Park with no


* RICK WILSON is chairman of the Laguna Beach Chapter of the

Surfrider Foundation and an Aliso Viejo resident.
