
INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some decisions...

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Here are some decisions coming out of Tuesday’s City Council



The question of how to improve Corona del Mar State Beach got

postponed to the next council meeting. City Manager Homer Bludau

asked that the item be continued to a later meeting so some

information could be added to the staff report, as requested by

Councilman Don Webb, and also to separate the matter of beach

improvements from the heated context of Tuesday’s council meeting. A

good portion of the meeting was devoted to council members’ comments

about a racially charged statement by Councilman Dick Nichols.

Nichols’ comment had been in reference to the Corona del Mar beach



A couple who hoped officials would make an exception to

construction guidelines got a lot of sympathy from council members,

but they did not get their wish. Joseph and Carole Ciraulo had

already gotten a no from the Planning Commission for their request to

keep intact a 127-square-foot structure on the roof of their home. As

the council reconsidered the Planning Commission vote, the couple’s

attorney said that the contractor did unauthorized work while the

family was out of town. The family had approval to build a

25-square-foot elevator shaft on top of their roof. By the time they

got home, the contractor had installed the framework for a

127-square-foot room that included a fireplace and a bathroom, which

is outside of city codes. Council members offered their condolences

for the family’s situation, but said that their hands were tied by

city ordinances: The structure cannot be permitted.


The family will have to tear down the structure, which they say

will cause permanent damage and leakage to their new home.


“Your dispute is with the contractor, not with us,” Mayor Steve

Bromberg said.


Council members made their picks for members to serve on six

boards and commissions, including the Planning Commission. Planning

Commissioner Earl McDaniel was appointed to a second term, which will

end in 2007. Barry Eaton will also sit on the commission in 2007.

Jeffrey Cole will fill the vacancy left by Anne Gifford, who has had

to step down before the end of her term. Cole will serve until the

end of her term next year, at which time he could be reappointed.

The city’s new member of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation

Commission is Steven Rosansky; Donald Lawrenz was reappointed to the

Harbor Commission; James Dunlap was reappointed to the Civil Service

Board; Wendy Brooks is the city’s newest Arts Commissioner; and Karen

Clark and Kathleen Peterson will serve on the Library Board of



“We had a lot of applicants. If you didn’t make it this time,”

Bromberg said. “Don’t take it personal. Try again.”
