
Creating our own personal visions

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Blueberries in my coffee! I stand staring down at the ceramic mug,

dumbfounded. In my right hand I have the bag of frozen blueberries,

in my left, my morning coffee. And yet, how this could be? I who am

organized and purposeful -- it could not be this same I that poured

frozen blueberries into my coffee, could it? This does not seem to

fit anywhere in my vision of myself.

And then I laugh out loud. Of course it fits into my vision. I

just don’t quite know how at the moment. My mind shifts to thinking

of what vision is -- and isn’t.

Vision puts into detail our image of a future condition -- one

that is better in some ways than what we currently have. Creation

starts with vision. Vision is a dream that is fed by desire and

fueled by direction from the heart. Dedication to vision leads us to

the highest of aspirations, whether personal or for one’s community.

The vision, by itself, is not enough. Constantin Brancusi said it

all: “To see far is one thing, going there another.” Without actions,

vision stays only a dream. Right now, our community of Laguna Beach

has a vision plan. It will take a great deal of work to create the

reality. There may be sacrifices or costs in order to achieve what it

is that we say we want. Most likely, this will be difficult for some.

Only time will tell about our commitment as a community to the


Right now, as the festival season begins, many of the artists in

our community are putting their personal visions -- their dreams --

into the world for the first time. They have tapped their dreams for

vision, taken actions and gotten past obstacles and challenges. Now

is the time for fulfillment of the vision each has for personal art.

When ambling through the festivals this summer think about the

artists’ intention for each piece. Or ask him or her what they

intended. It might surprise both of you.

Sometimes the dream may be blocked by challenges and obstacles. We

all meet them daily on our paths. We can get angry. We can protest.

And that may be the thing that it is important to do. Some of these

challenges or obstacles are worthy of protest. We may change our own

direction in order to avoid or accommodate. And that is often the way

to new discovery. We might just doggedly put our heads down and push


In my neighborhood, at least two-thirds of my neighbors are doing

some kind of remodeling of their home -- each acting on some personal

vision. Each morning at 6:30 I am greeted by loud voices as work

crews get themselves ready for the day. Pipelines are being removed

and replaced in the streets as other crews contracted by the city

work to repair old lines. On my morning walks I encounter

tree-trimming crews with chainsaws and shredders, cutting off the

dead palm fronds and chewing them up, creating a vista for summer

tourists to enjoy. These things interfere with my own personal vision

regarding noise levels in my environment. Perhaps they are some of my

own challenges and obstacles.

My personal vision is to create “cosmic” connections in this

universe. The way to doing this is through my art, my writing, my

coaching practice, my life. The actions I take in these areas all are

put into play with this in mind. The connections with others will be

filled with the joyful qualities of living a full, rich life. For me,

creating is causing what I love and what matters to me to come into

being. The “cosmic” connections are about sharing this, and what joy

it brings, with others. That’s my vision. What’s yours?

Along the way, watch out, Starbucks! I just may have something

with this blueberries-in-the-coffee thing.

* CHERRIL DOTY is a creative living coach, writer, artist, and

walker who lives and works in Laguna Beach. Contact her by e-mail at or by phone at 949-251-3993. Your comments

are appreciated.
