
Tell me a story

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Some years ago, a group of children were asked, “What would happen if

there were no stories in the world?” Several gave startlingly

perceptive answers.

Said one child, “People would die of seriousness.”

Another replied, “When you went to bed at night it would be boring

because your head would be blank.”

Still another answered, “There wouldn’t be a world because stories

made the world.”

Stories are our passion at the Laguna Beach Library, and we’re

pleased to continue to enrich the literary lives of our youngest

patrons this summer with enthralling tales. Each Wednesday morning at

11 a.m., we welcome once again the National Charity League’s Sunshine

Readers, a group of very talented young storytellers, who will

captivate preschoolers -- and, dare I say, the adults who accompany

them. Be ready to experience waves of laughter and gasps of surprise,

to become wonderfully involved -- sometimes noisily and sometimes

quietly -- enjoying a special parent-child experience.

After these fun and lively story times, be sure to sign up the

children in your life, toddlers through teens, for the Library’s

Summer Reading Program. The program is an opportunity for youngsters

to focus on reading for fun and brush up on reading skills at the

same time. Most importantly, participants are encouraged to read at

their own pace and enjoy the books. Each child can earn up to four

free paperback books of his or her choice. The Summer Reading Program

has proved time and again that reading during the summer months helps

children focus even better when they return to school, and gives them

a reading advantage.

This summer it’s not all about reading, however. The library’s

“Tropical Tuesday” evening programs, from 7 to 8 p.m., offer a

variety of performers to be enjoyed by the whole family -- a

world-class juggler, outstanding puppeteers, a captivating musician

and storyteller and an exotic animal show -- just to name four of our

eight performances.

During spring break this year, I was asked by a child who

frequents the library with her mother, “When are we going to do that

fun reading thing again?”

The answer is: right now -- and all summer long!

* MARIANNA HOF writes a bimonthly column for the Coastline Pilot.

She is the Laguna Beach branch librarian.
